Thursday, February 22, 2007

America's Cardinal Richilieu - Dick Cheney

Ornithologists teach us that the goose who appears at the lead of a flock in flight at the point of its classic "V", is in fact taking its guiding instruction from the goose just off the peak to one side or another. That is more or less a matter of aerodynamic and ergonomic necssity, for staying in the lead position for a Canada Goose, and being the navigator at the same time is not a position that could be sustained, and indeed other geese rotate into that position when the lead is exhausted. Would that our Republic were so lucky to have succession occur at the very moment when our leaders fatally falter!
Mankind fashions itself apart from all Nature, ... certainly better than birds, and yet it seems we repeat those patterns our feathered friends use to survive. The punishing pressures of the Presidency are such that, even had there never been a 22nd Amendment, physical and psychic limitations would have generally interceded to avoid a third term for almost every president. That would, however, never discourage the hangers on, and the controlling sorts who aspire to guide our leaders.
In the shadows of our history and that of other nations there has always been a distinct breed of political operatives who, rather than fly at the point, prefer the draft, and whisper the way to the lead. Some have done so in lieu of opportunity. Some to avoid the risk and cost of publicity. And some due to the sheer reality that they are so dark and unlikeable that they could never have been raised to a significant level of leadership of any historical interest.
For Cardinal Richilieu, the coattails of King Louis XIII were enough to satisfy his appetite for office by proxy, power by proximity. In a political parallel to that engagement by the French cleric in 16th century France, Dick Cheney and all who were encouraging the radical extremes we have seen in America over the last six years, achieved a very similar aim by having Cheney nominate himself as Vice Presidential candidate to run with George W. Bush, the Republican candidate for President. While there are flaws in the manner of our primary elections, they pale in comparison to the abuse in this instance. George W. Bush certainly received the required votes from primaries across the nation to submit the electors to achieve the nomination as Republican candidate for the presidency in the year 2000.
Dick Cheney was, on the other hand, never a contender for the Presidency. He could never be, for his extreme views, radical Republican past, and history as CEO of Haliburton during a period of highly questionable Corporate ethics, would have made him unpalatable to any rational voter. Camouflaged behind the Good Ole Boy candidate, Dubya, ... he could, and did, anoint himself, candidate for VP in the run-up to the election of 2000, without ever having received a single vote from the people to whom he would be called to swear his oath of office, except on the coattails of George W Bush. While I can and do quibble with the nature and means of Bush’s appointment to the Presidency by the Supreme Court in that election, ... I accept that in the face of unresolveable issues, a rational excuse for the course of events since had to be made to place a candidate into the office.
What can not be denied, and should never be forgotten by any legitimate political party in our nation, now nor ever, is that the annunciation of Richard B. Cheney to be the candidate for Vice President, was a ringer job. Bush was never, and could never be, the competent and compassionate candidate he set himself forth to be. He had not the political credentials, the intellectual capacity, nor the ethical integrity to be that. But someone had to be the "Lead Goose" in the formation the Republicans set forth for the election in 2000. And some other goose had to be at his right ear all along the way, ... To steer right, ... And then right again, ... Yes, ... More right. Lord knows the lead goose had no clue which way to fly on his own.
Now we find ourselves flying in circles in America. We say to our friends that we do not know why that is, ... But we are, or seem, unwilling to dump the guiding bird just off the right wing of the lead goose. Yep, ... Dick! You!
Analogies and metaphors go only so far in seeking a true understanding of difficult subjects. Much as I’d like to say this is a weighty subject only the cogniscenti should be able to comprehend, ... It is a simple matter. It is "Time to shoot the Goose"! No, ... Not the lead one, but the one just to the right of him. By that I mean and intend that we need to draw up and introduce Impeachment Proceedings against the second goose, Dick Cheney. (Disclaimer: I am not referring to a literal ‘shooting’, but rather a metaphorical presentation of impeachment proceedings to remove Vice President Cheney from his current office).
George Bush is a clueless, seemingly brain-damaged individual, who finds himself flying at the lead long after his strength is gone, and trust in his guidance among the electorate has disappeared. Cheney is, on the contrary, a demonically purposeful individual, with an inveterate and pathological belief in the need that the Presidency be restored to the level of monarchy, with the commensurate belief that any US monarch should be led by a phantom cardinal, perhaps as VP, ... Who knows what the Republic needs and must have, ... Even better than do We the People.
Oh Dick, I pray that God, ... The one I love and pray to, finds mercy on your soul for the demonic predispositions you think should be enacted by Executive Order. You seem to me to be a maniac, whom your children love despite your flaws, and whom we, your enemies, must watch forever until you breathe your last natural breath. I thought Richard Nixon personified my fears, until I met you. Rumsfeld at least had the decency to disapear until we will indict him for war crimes. You, on the other hand, pop onto my news links and TV screen incessantly!
Cardinal Cheney, I pray you will resign. You are poisoning the presidency of your underling lead goose, George the Second. You are destroying the purpose of America around the globe. You are, thereby, destroying America!


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