Thursday, September 28, 2006

War Crimes Exonerated, ... Shame on Us!

When there still seemed to be a sliver of a chance that the sanctioning of Bush's torture regime might actually snag on the United States Senate's Three Military Musketeers, former Secretary of State Colin Powell waded into the political discussion, not realizing he was stranded once again into the sickly Home of the Mountain King, ... George II, when he spoke of his concerns about wantonly violating The Geneva Conventions, and the impact that legislation might have upon GI's who might fall into POW status in future or current wars.

God have mercy on Powell's soul, ... Bush, McCain, Warner and Graham led him once again to slaughter, ... only again to ignore his seasoned advice, and make a fool of him for standing up for his convictions. Colin stands alone this time, ... falling to the body fake of politics in our time, ... the false conviction of experienced legislators, ... a pass to the right just before they all head out of bounds.

Little do they think or know that the world has every reason now to count the House of Representatives and (given the recent trend toward a vote by week's end) the United States Senate as accomplices after the fact to the war crimes George Bush has already committed and intends to commit in the future. Exonerating him after the fact is a little known, but essential Republican feature to the bills in the legislature. Legislating his dissolution of Habeas Corpus makes it a domestic crime as well in my opinion. One has to wonder why any legislator who hopes to run for office again for Federal office, would yield to the imbecile child king who rules us now. Two plus years from this evening he will recede into ignominy. Today, you exonerate him from crimes against Humanity? What are you thinking???

The war crimes tribunal against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, et al. was to be a small affair up to this point. But if you insist, Gentlemen and Ladies, upon making it a huge party, then so be it. If you are willing to sign your sacred honor to this fool's crimes, then I pity you more than I pity Colin Powell for once again surrendering his honor for a cause that left him long ago at the curb. I trust he will have the good sense to retire into retirement. Bless him!

The rest of you who will vote or have voted for Bush's War Crime Exoneration Bill should be ashamed, ... but even more so, you should be afraid. You can not now willfully say that you did not understand that Your President had committed War Crimes, ... if you absolve him of the crimes he committed, ... right?

I did not think so.

Shame on you all who voted in the House and might vote in the Senate!

We record your votes. For we are better than you, or will be again soon. We will vote for or against you based solely upon your record and your promises, ... whatever they might be. What, ...? Did you think we would forget? What did you think the Internet was for?

As I wrote before, ... Shame on you!



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