Saturday, September 23, 2006

The End of Rule By Law

In the nearly six years of King George II's reign over America, it can be argued this Administration has heavily abused it Constitutional role. President Bush and the phantoms who stand behind him in the shadows have issued signing statements which declare his unwillingness to abide by the letter of many laws passed by this Congress. He created "enemy combatants" from whole cloth so as to deny such designees any legal safeguards, either Domestic or International. He created a gulag on Guantanamo to provide them no tenable jurisdiction on American or foreign soil. He committed and continues to commit illegal espionage via wiretaps against American citizens without the requisite warrants, whether or not they fall under foreign surveillance laws. And in all these things, King George II has been rebuffed in court rulings and legislation at the local, state, and Federal levels, and even in the Supreme Court of the United States. He has been told repeatedly that his actions violate the laws of this land, provisions of international law, and of treaties such as the Geneva Conventions, which the Constitution assures the stature of American Law.

The Three Military Musketeers of the Reichpublican Party, Senators McCain, Warner, and Graham, stepped forward last week to challenge the most recent demands of the President that he be allowed to continue with his policies of illegal torture and interrogation of our enemies, illegal kidnappings, or “special renditions”, of suspects in this and other countries, and adherence to the provisions, long understood by rational minds here and abroad, of the Geneva Conventions.

While but a few weeks or months remain in the political life of this worst of American Presidents, these three stalwart Senators, supposedly so convicted to the assurance of a strong and prepared military, seem, after their sudden fury and challenge to the White House, to have wholely caved to pressure from President Bush and his keepers.

McCain, the Lion of Oz, … courageous in the face of his experience as a POW, … Warner, … the Tin Man, … the heart of experience at the zenith of US Navy Commands, … and Graham, … the Scarecrow AG attorney, a clear and learned advocate for adherence to the Geneva Convention and Laws of War.

The Three are the perfect smokescreen for the Reichpublicans to advocate passage of laws to approve what this President demands that this Congress say we must do under Geneva. It will not change what Geneva means to our allies, nor our enemies, … nor our Courts. So in this sense, the legislative compromise the Reichpublicans structured among themselves (when did ‘compromise’ cease to include more than a single political party?) is meaningless, and there should be a “signing statement” attached to any acts by Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, and the Green Party, to assure the Reichpublicans that the law they will attempt to pass and have signed by this President, … to his assumed benefit, will not dissuade future Americans from prosecuting Him and all his co-conspirators for destroying the safeguards of the Constitution, violating International Laws and Treaties, and committing War Crimes in our Nation’s name.

So what is the difference between Bush’s behavior to this point, and the “compromise” with the three musketeers of OZ? To this point, Bush had committed his crimes alone for the most part. Now, he has solicited accomplices in Congress to permit him to commit future crimes, and absolve him of his past crimes, … all in one filthy backroom deal. Damn them one and all, … for from this point on, nothing prohibits these same men from charging you or me with crimes written “after the fact” into law.

These very words you are reading, …. Even the reading of them, might, in the future, be deemed seditious, and prohibited after the fact, by law. I could do time for even thinking them, let alone writing them. My freedom to speak may have imposed on it limits hereto unforeseen, … except by this party of thieves and fools.

And so the rule of law in America dies a sad, quiet death, when and if the Reichpublicans can excuse past crimes, or future crimes with the stroke of a pen, … Laws that have served as pillars to this nation for nearly 220 years, … until now.

I am sickened, not that this has occurred, for Empire meets its end at such moments of crucial change, but that our Nation slides toward its untimely death at the hands of such an imbecile at the helm, and with such sick accomplices in the shadows behind him. The rule of law it seems, will die with a whimper.

September 24, 2006


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Year in and year out, the press uses haircut stories to paint Democrats as vain hypocrites. Vain because they "care too much about how they look", and hypocrites because Democrats "claim" they care about working people but "in truth only care about their appearances". The press, and, it seems, a significant number of ardent followers of the press love to play numerous variations of Hypocrite Police with Democrats. Teeing off on the breaking haircut news, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd recently ridiculed Edwards. Referring to him as the Breck Girl and the Material Boy, she claimed Edwards' lavish lifestyle meant he wasn't qualified to talk about working-class woes in America. "You can't sell earnestness while indulging in decadence," she sanctimoniously lectured Edwards. Belittling Edwards for being out of touch, Dowd felt the strange urge to prove she had a working-class bond, so she invoked her dad, a cop who got .50 cent haircuts in his day. Of course, it would have been more persuasive if Dowd had referenced something from her adult life, but since I'm guessing she pays more than $400 for her SoHo rinse and trims, dear old dad had to do. Meanwhile, NBC anchor Brian Williams appeared as a guest on David Letterman's show last week where discussion soon turned to nothing other than Edwards' haircut.

Asked what was the most he'd ever paid for a trim, Williams responded, "probably $12." Really? I have to pay $16, plus tip, for a trim at a little barbershop in the 'burbs. But Williams, who lives in a restored farmhouse in Connecticut where he parks his 477-horsepower black Porsche GT2 (that is, when he's not decamping on the Upper East Side), gets his haircut for just $12. Now, Williams enjoys a $10 million salary. He's a celebrity journalist and recent Men's Vogue cover boy who up until just a few years ago was probably known as much for his perfectly coiffed locks as he was for his reporting skills. Yet, eager to project himself as one of the guys, Williams insists his trims cost chump change. Did you see NBC's Tim Russert being interviewed on Bill Moyers' recent PBS documentary Buying the War, which looked at the media's weak lapdog performance during the run-up to the Iraq invasion? Pressed at one point about why he allowed himself and Meet the Press to be co-opted by the White House in 2002 and 2003, Russert responded, "I'm a blue-collar guy from Buffalo and I know who my sources are. I work 'em very hard". Salt of the earth, Tim Russert is.

Then again, presenting himself as a Working Joe has become something of an obsession with Russert over the years, albeit a Working Joe who makes seven figures a year and, as the Daily Howler has noted, summers with the swells on Nantucket, lounging around in his multimillion-dollar beach island home; a "sprawling gray-shingled house, with rooftop sundeck and cutting garden," as Washingtonian magazine breathlessly described it. The point is that journalists who often announce that Democratic haircut stories matter because they pierce the "folksy" working-class persona that campaigns work so hard to create, are often the very same six-and-seven figure journalists who work so hard to create their own "folksy," working-class personas. - adapted from Eric Boehlert's "What The Haircut Story Tells Us About The Press" at Media Matters.

Since it isn't the outright theft of 2 U.S. Presidential Elections through criminally fraudulent Diebold blackbox "voting", just what exactly are these just plain folks not reporting all the time they tirelessly reveal the fakeries of The Democrats Who Only Pretend To Care? Here's what: "In addition to his long-time Ronald Reagan connections, Politico CEO
Frederick Ryan was also, along with Jonathan Bush and Joseph Allbritton, himself a Board Member of the scandal-ridden Riggs Bank, which was involved with hiding money for the Saudis, fined $25 million, then fined $16 million, and which invited the South American dictator Pinochet to open an account after Pinochet was widely accused of corruption, illegal arms sales, and torture. Riggs was involved with improperly transferring oil revenues for Equitorial Guinnea, and was investigated for involvement with aspects surrounding 9/11. Ryan, in addition to serving as Politico CEO, is also President of Allbritton Communications (a subsidiary of Allbritton Group, Inc., which in turn is a subsidiary of "Perpetual Corporation"). To take a step back, the picture that emerges from all of this is both clear and familiar.

Like most billionaires with diverse business interests, Joe Allbritton had political relationships of all sorts. But the coterie around him, and those who created the Politico, including the Politico's current CEO, are plainly firmly entrenched in the right-wing political "movement", with overlapping business and other ties to the Bushes, all kinds of international financial interactions with the Saudis and various right-wing governments, and long-standing ties of many kinds to the Reagan circle. We hear incessantly, over and over from the very well-funded, very well-paid and very well-fed yet self-styled and self-proclaimed "champions of the working man"; the Limbaughs, O'reilleys, Hannity's, Coulters, and Becks of the world, about how Media Matters is covertly funded by George Soros, as though that fact all by itself indubiably proves beyond a scintilla of doubt Media Matters political affiliations, and by implication (with Rush and Bill it's always by implication) Media Matters "elitist" not-for-the-working-man objectives and thus, presumably, bad unpatriotic secret agenda against good patriotic Americans. There is in fact quite a bit more than a bit of projection going on here.

After partisan scrutiny which would enable the detection of a mustard seed let alone a needle in a haystack, facts indicate that Media Matters is not actually funded by Soros. Media Matters reports on inaccuracies, misrepresentations and outright lies in the media, and does not purport to be a nonpartisan newspaper or source of news, although to a very real extent it is, as Media Matters actually does provide the "Fairness And Balance" that FOX (owned by billionaire Rupert Murdoch) and many other outlets featuring the aforsaid highly paid pundits, constantly represent themselves as providing. Yet in reality FOX does not even try to provide fairness or balance to their average viewers, who are themselves very busy every day paying through the nose for everything, and most especially for gas at the pump, primarily because research and development of effective alternatives to gas at the pump, along with any alternatives to poisonous nuclear generation, have systematically been supressed and thus effectively thwarted for at least the past 50 years. The Politico, too, claims to be a nonpartisan source of news. Surely then, by Limbaugh, O'Reilleys et al's very own standards; by the very same token they incessantly hammer into everyone's consciousness day after blessed day, it is not only notable but much more than a little suspect that those who created The Politico and formerly operated the big-oil and dictatorship-friendly Riggs, those very same people who are in charge of The Politico's operation, are in real honest-to-goodness reality themselves long-time GOP operatives and firmly implanted in right-wing circles.

Now, if these facts are not suspect by Rush and Bill and Sean and Anne and Glen's own standards, then why not? Why, again, is Edwards hair an issue worthy of such intense scrutiny by the Politico? And what did John Kerry's windsurfing have to do with anything? Is windsurfing unpatriotic? Does enjoying a healthy and environmentally clean sport threaten our national security? It rather enhances it, if anything. Surely when considering his ability to understand and coordinate processes which may very easily
have prevented the outrageous and disasterous wars which have so negatively effected our nation in the estimation of a clear and ever-growing majority of Americans, Kerry's valiant military service in Viet Nam and his numerous years of experience on our U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Comittee was far more relevant to vital issues than his windsurfing. Coiffed windsurfing patrician though he may be, Kerry also saw the real horrors of combat which the Cheneys, Bushs, Roves, Rices, Limbaughs, Hannitys, and Becks so eagerly advocate and readily prescribe for everyone else, but not for themselves or their familys. Indeed, it was Kerry who repeatedly urged every serious continual effort at negotiation and diplomacy before any contemplation or threat of use of military force, and then only as a very last possible resort.

Amazingly, after all America has been through, well over six years after the theft of the 2000 election, some Republicans are just now beginning to suggest that negotiation may possibly be a somewhat important element in the conduct of our U.S. foreign policy. Hannity, in a recent debate performance versus the eminently humble, factual, polite and sincere Democratic Salt Lake City Utah Mayor Rocky Anderson which can only be described as a disgustingly shameful and atrocious attempt to further hoodwink, bamboozle, patronize, hector, harass, frighten, propagandize, prey upon, scare the starch out of, and grossly lie to the American public even more than Hannity already has, that unusually well-paid average joe spared no effort in repeating that a number of Democrats supported the same disasterous war by voting for it, yet he persistently failed to address or even so much as acknowledge the fact that these votes were based on what has now clearly been shown to be deliberately false cooked intelligence which Cheney and Bush repeatedly presented in scripted television episodes rivaling in mis-en-scene anything Boris Karloff or Alfred Hitchcock ever offered, not only to Anderson and other Democratic lawmakers, but to our entire nation; false intelligence which Hannity himself took elaborate measures to constantly repeat for years on our airwaves, which had been deregulated from our 1949
Fairness Doctrine provisions under Reagan, and kept that way by none other than General Colin Powell's son over at our FCC. Could these and so many other well-renumerated members of the media establishment, particularly the henhouse guardians at FOX,
possibly be trying to divert attention from things which they know much more about than they are saying, but would prefer at all costs, even to America herself, not to discuss? We Report, You Decide." -adapted from Glenn Greenwald's "The Politico, Exhibit A For Our Broken Political Press"

Republicans, counting on relatively short human memory when it comes to the negative in general, and the negative consequences to America of Reagan's failed policys in particular, have conceived a typically revisionist hagiography that has Reagan somewhere between Alexander the Great, Gandhi and Houdini. Democrats ought not let the tiniest bit of light between Bush and his GOP enablers, but should rightfully place all of them directly in the laps of Junior and the Reagan Retreads, exactly where they belong.
"Going back to good Reagan conservatism" is nonsense. So-called "Conservatism", which is nothing more than the most dangerously radical anarchy, as we shall see, is a necessarily miserable failure no matter who's in charge. They all operate on the same "principles." -adapted from Digby at Hullabaloo. Allow me to explain. Character asassination, sabotage, deception and subterfuge are not incidental to "conservative" politics but central to it. To so-called "conservatives", politics without such things doesn't even feel like...politics. Catch them in a relaxed moment, and they freely admit it - with relish. In 2005 I spoke as the token liberal at a "conservative" conference at the Madison Program at "Princeton University." I put "Princeton University" in quotes because the center is in fact a humanities-and-social sciences version of the "financially independent" right-wing-funded campus front groups that allow "conservatives" to claim to speak with the authority of our great universities, even as these groups need not adhere to the very personnel standards that make these universities great in the first place. The Institute, investigator Max Blumenthal has established to what should be Princeton's shame, is funded by "cultlike Catholic group and right-wing foundations to support gatherings of "movement activists", fellowships for ideologically correct visiting professors and a cadre of conservative students." It is, in fact, an institutional embodiment the very core of "conservative" politics: crafty false-front deceptions. - adapted from an article by Rick Pearlstein. In light of the following, Pearlstein's observations on the nature of GOP politics may be one the largest understatements in history:

Why do countless American people go along with the War on Iraq? Why do so many people call for a police state control grid that eliminates their own freedoms? A major component to a full understanding of this kind of governmental and corporate corruption is to discover the modern science of mind control and social engineering. It's baffling to merely glance at the stacks of documentation that this world government is not in fact being constructed for the greater good of humanity. Although there are a growing number of people waking up to the reality of our growing transparent soft cage, there seem to be just enough citizens who are choosing to remain asleep, and the much-vaunted yet narrow victory of Sarkozy in the French Presidential contest, garnering adulatory notice in the press for "not being above betrayal" bears this out. Worse yet, there are even those who were at least partially awake at one time but found it necessary to return to the slumber of dreamland. This is no accident; this is by carefully managed design. The drive to dumb down the populations of planet earth is a deception that existed long before the United States ever did.

One component to understanding and deciphering these illegitimate systems of control is to become a student of the wielders of influence and propaganda. In order to defeat dictators, it is imperative that we understand how they think and what they believe, and it manifestly is not individual freedom, liberty, justice, or genuine democracy. When people think about mind control, they usually think in terms of "conspiracy theory" referring to Project MkUltra. It is also helpful to recognize that great effort has been expended to invariably append the word "theory" anytime the word "conspiracy" is ever used in any context anywhere, in order to reinforce the false concept that conspiracies are merely "theory" and thus do not in fact exist. There is no question that they do. MkUltra is merely one of many proven examples of 'overt mind control. The project had grown out of an earlier secret program known as Project Bluebird that was officially formed to counter Soviet advances in brainwashing. But above both the Soviets and Americans, and above all government, exists an essentially sociopathic international tyranny which intentionally plays all sides against each other, the better to divide and conquer for themselves. In reality, the CIA had other objectives with MkUltra. An earlier aim was to study methods 'through which control of an individual may be attained'. The emphasis of experimentation was 'narco-hypnosis', the blending of mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. A CIA team was formed that could travel, at a moments notice, to anywhere in the world. Their task was to test the new interrogation techniques, and to ensure that victims would not remember being interrogated and programmed. All manner of narcotics, from marijuana to LSD, heroin and sodium pentathol (the so called 'truth drug'), were regularly used. Despite poor initial results, the CIA-sponsored mind control program flourished. On 13 April 1953, the secret project MkUltra was born. Its scope was broader than ever, and only those in the top echelon of the CIA were privy to it. Declassified CIA documents describe it as an 'umbrella project' with 149 'sub-projects'. Many of these sub-projects dealt with testing illegal drugs for potential field use. Others dealt with electronics. One explored the possibility of activating 'the human organism by remote control'. Throughout, it remained a major goal to brainwash individuals to become couriers and spies without their knowledge.

When it was formed in 1947, the CIA was forbidden by law to have any domestic police or internal security powers. In short, it was authorized only to operate 'overseas'. From the very start MkUltra staff broke this Congressional stipulation and began testing on unwitting American citizens. Precisely how extensive illegal testing became may never be known because Richard Helms, CIA Director and chief architect of the program ordered the destruction of all MkUlta records shortly before leaving office in 1973. Despite these
precautions some documents were misfiled and came to light in the late 1970's. They laid bare the spy agency's cynicism. Despite the widespread knowledge of MkUltra and the civil lawsuits that followed, this form of behavior modification is not the most expansive. The real dangers are the types of thought control that are 'covert' and not the subject of several dozen Hollywood movies like "Clockwork Orange" and Mel Gibson's "Conspiracy Theory."

Our founding fathers faced enormous challenges in the formation of this country and its bill of rights. One challenge was laying down the groundwork or a free society without knowing what kind of technological advances would be made. They may not have guessed in those times that we needed an article in the bill of rights to specifically forbid our own government and it's associates from engaging in mind control or thought control, although these methods have existed for milennia, so there is evidence, especially since Franklin and others were notable scientific researchers in their own right, that they were at least aware of the true state of technological development at that time, and did what they could to curb abuses of it given the political constraints at the time. In a story that may or may not be apochraphal, Franklin is said to have been asked by a Colonial Lady immediately after signing our U.S. Constitution "What form of government have you given us?", to which Franklin cryptically replied "A Republic, if you can keep it". The widely-read and phenomenally knowledgable researcher Alan Watt, who has an encyclopedic understanding of these pathocratic mechanisms ascribes Franklin's remark to his foreknowledge of the role which America was assigned to play in the ensuing centuries-long unfoldment of the international drama. The closest item that promises our protection from the government is the 4th Article in The Bill of Rights which establishes "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Even so, as many are just now beginning to note, the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights are merely given lip service by our supposedly elected officials, Bush has for all
intents and purposes sold out debt to the Chinese, who are also rapidly attaining globo-cop status, our military is run through the U.N., and plans are well underway to eliminate
our borders in order to create a single MexAmeriCanada, the better for the globalists to have us compete in amusing contests for their entertainment with the EU and Pacific Rim blocs, of which it is intended that there shall be only these three, to maximize returns for the self-appointed never-elected "Non-Governmental" engineers of this profoundly
dystopian scheme, incidentally calling for the "reduction" of tens, if not hundreds of millions in "Population". You may know them more familiarly, the population, that is, as Human Beings. Halliburton has constucted numerous prison camps in various U.S. areas, and there is a rather large installation in Michigan at the present Canadian border,
where gunboats now patrol the adjacent Great Lakes. One imagines that if panic were to drive US citizens to seek refuge in Canada, this installation might come into play, but from all reports Canada is no longer the enlightened haven of rationality it may once have been in the Vietnam era, and is in some respects even more repressive and agressively in favor of despicable "social science" eugenic theories masquerading as "Bioethics" than even some of their more unhinged U.S. counterparts.

One of the most common examples of mind control in our so-called free and civilized society is the advent and usage of the television set. This isn't to say that all things on TV are geared towards brainwashing you. They're not. But most of the programming on television today is run and programmed by the largest media corporations which have interests in "defense" contracts, such as Westinghouse (CBS), and General Electric (NBC). This makes perfect sense when you see how slanted and warped the news is today. Examining the conflicts of interest is merely glancing at the issue, although to understand the multiple ways that lies are distorted into an appearance of truth, we need to examine the techniques of brain washing that the networks are employing. Radio isn't any different in its ability to brainwash a population into submission. Sixty-seven years ago, six million Americans became unwitting subjects in an experiment in psychological warfare. It was the night before Halloween, 1938. At 8 p.m. CST, the Mercury Radio on the Air began broadcasting Orson Welles' radio adaptation of H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds. As is now well known, the story was presented as if it were breaking news, with bulletins so realistic that an estimated one million people believed the world was actually under attack by Martians. Of that number, thousands succumbed to outright panic, not waiting to hear Welles'
explanation at the end of the program that it had all been a Halloween prank, but fleeing into the night to escape what they believed to be actual alien invaders. This stands as a very instructive, disturbing, important and cautionary lesson on the power of media to create reality, which almost 70 years later many of us seem never to have learned or to have forgotten altogether. Aliens may or may not exist, but that is not the question or the point. The point is, what do you believe and why, and upon what do you base the beliefs which lead you to actions? This is called critical thinking for a very good reason, as such introspection is the only way we have to arrive at sound judgements.

According to researcher Mack White (, "Psychologist Hadley Cantril conducted a study of the effects of the broadcast and published his findings in a book; 'The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic'. This study explored the power of broadcast media, particularly as it relates to the suggestibility of human
beings under the influence of fear. Cantril was affiliated with Princeton University's Radio Research Project, which was funded in 1937 by the Rockefeller Foundation. Also affiliated with the Project was Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member and Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) executive Frank Stanton, whose network had broadcast the program. Stanton would later go on to head the news division of CBS, and in time would become president of the network, as well as chairman of the board of the RAND Corporation, the influential think tank which has done research on, among other things, mass brainwashing. Two years later, with Rockefeller Foundation money, Cantril established the Office of
Public Opinion Research (OPOR), also at Princeton. Among the studies conducted by the OPOR was an analysis of the effectiveness of "psycho-political operations" (propaganda, in plain English) of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Then, during World War II, Cantril and Rockefeller money assisted CFR member and CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow in setting up the Princeton Listening Center, the purpose of which was to study nazi radio propaganda with the object of applying nazi techniques to OSS propaganda. Out of this project came a new government agency, the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS). The FBIS eventually became the United States Information Agency (USIA), which is the propaganda arm of the National Security Council. Thus, by the end of the '40s, the basic research had been done and the propaganda apparatus of the national security state had been set up, just in time for the Dawn of Television." It is dispiriting to note that nazi techniques have been adopted by some Americans, but knowledge of these facts sheds light on what has and is going on and why, so there may be a silver lining to this dark cloud on genuine American and Human freedom.

Experiments conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman reveal that when a person watches television, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the seat of logical thought. Here, information is broken down into its component parts and critically analyzed. The right brain, however, treats incoming data uncritically, processing information in wholes, leading to emotional, rather than logical responses. The shift from left to right brain activity also causes the release of endorphins, the body's own natural opiates.
Thus, it is possible to become physically addicted to watching television, a hypothesis borne out by numerous studies which have shown that very few people are able to kick the TV habit. It's no longer an overstatement to note that the youth today that are raised and taught through network television are intellectually dead by their early teens.

"The age of the television show "The Waltons" is gone, gone, gone. John-Boy's had the crap kicked out of him, been held up by his ankles and had all his lunch money dumped out. TV screens are crawling with grim cops, steely interrogators and glitzy, state fair-level talent/weight loss competitions. Popular music is dominated by angry, tattooed, fist-pumping,
crotch-thrusting conformists. Forget the "aw, shucks ma'am, it was nothing" archetype. He is now a boisterous, text-messaging fathead in a sports bar, his rosacea flaring at any mention of the word "turban". And though he is not without experience and has ambition galore, his open-up-a-can-of-whup-ass temperament trumps any wisdom and humility he might have picked up along the way to where he is now. Winning At Any Cost has become the staple diet, replacing good ol' honesty and fair play. It has become the primary goal in American life. It's on all the brochures and in the instruction manual. It's made Jesus into a jock and Joe McCarthy into a martyr. It's made humility humiliating and turned the grester world outside of our national borders into a big, scary Them.

And how does the world regard us, who were once greeted by grateful and war-weary Europeans with an admiring "Hi, Joe!"? As arrogant, petulant, strong-arming, sabre rattling, pissed-off ogres who clearly have had enough of the nancy-boys' mewling. Peace takes thinking, thus it is entirely outre. Cheney and Bush's ham-fisted ham-headed "leadership" of by and for the globalist corporatist military/oil/weapons/nuclear/surveillance/prison worldstate has our nation in a headlock and there is no choice but for the body to flop around helplessly wherever the head's being dragged. This smarmy, two-headed tyrant and all he embraces
has made America appear as a strutting behemoth who stomps where it was supposed to tread with care. Virtually every incident the media reports is permeated with bilious rhetoric and faux-middle-brow bombast delivered in steely tones of manly resolve fairly drenched with testosterone and faint whiffs of country down-homeism, a specialty of both Regan and Bush, the kind of stories that subtly promote the triumph of the musclebound over the meek while making it seem like that's the god-given right of a modern democracy. The Right's political theatrics have even gone so far as to promote their cadre of perspective presidents by bestowing upon them the classic traits of stereotypical strongmen: the heroically monikered Mitt Romney's square jaw and graying temples, as if conceived by Stan Lee, the scarred warrior McCain's refusal to fold under torture and his nervously admired temper positively cause "conservatives" who prefer to have others volunteer for military-industrial service to swoon.

Throw these guys up against the cerebral but passionate Dennis Kucinich, or the dripping-with-charisma-but-tragically-pencil-necked Barak Obama and you might as well air it on ESPN as "Bully-Palooza '08". You have to think that so many bullies means so many bullied and this is so; as everyone knows who's ever been pushed into a hedge, slammed into a locker or had his or her patriotism questioned, inside every bully is a self-loathing coward afraid to think for themselves." - adapted from "Born To Win" by Steven Weber

The dumbing down of humanity is represented by another shift which occurs in the brain when we watch television. Activity in the higher brain regions (such as the neo-cortex) is diminished, while activity in the lower brain regions (such as the limbic system) increases. The latter, commonly referred to as the reptile brain, is associated with more primitive mental functions, such as the "fight or flight" response. The reptile brain is unable to distinguish between reality and the simulated reality of television. To the reptile brain, if it looks real, it is real. Thus, though we know on a conscious level it is "only a film," on a conscious level we do not; the heart beats faster, for instance, while we watch a suspenseful scene. Similarly,
we know the commercial is trying to manipulate us but on an unconscious level the commercial nonetheless succeeds in, say, making us feel inadequate until we buy whatever thing is being advertised. The effect is all the more powerful because it is unconscious, operating on the deepest level of human response. The reptile brain makes it possible for us to survive as biological beings, but it also leaves us vulnerable to the manipulations of television programmers. This is where the manipulators use our own emotions as strings to control us. The distortions and directions we are being moved to are taking place in the subconscious, often undetected. Propaganda techniques were first codified and applied in a scientific manner by journalist Walter Lippman and psychologist Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud) early in the 20th century. During World War I, Lippman and Bernays were hired by then United States President Woodrow Wilson to participate in the Creel Commission, the mission of which was to sway popular opinion in favor of entering the war on the side of Britain. Edward Bernays said in his 1928 book 'Propaganda' that "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country."

The Creel Commission provided themes for speeches by "four-minute men" at public functions, and also encouraged censorship of the American press. The Commission was so unpopular that after the war, Congress closed it down without providing funding to organize and archive its papers. The war propaganda campaign of Lippman and Bernays produced
within six months such an intense anti-German hysteria as to permanently impress American business (and hitler, among others) with the potential of large-scale propaganda to control
public opinion. Bernays coined the terms "group mind" and "engineering consent", important concepts in practical propaganda work. The current public relations industry is a direct outgrowth of Lippman's and Bernays' work and is still used extensively by the United States government. For the first half of the 20th century Betrays and Lip Man ran a very successful public relations firm. World War II saw continued use of propaganda as a weapon of war, both by Hitler's propagandist Joseph Gobbles and the British Political Warfare Executive, as well as the United States Office of War Information.

Turn on your local newscast. You have a few minutes of blue-collar crime, hardly any white collar crime, a few minutes of sports, misc. chit chat, random political jibber-jabber, and a look at the weather that no one is forecasting correctly. Is that what happened in your town? And we're supposed to own the airwaves. The mainstream media openly supports the interests of the prison industrial complex. The stories focus on variously designated criminal groups, and exploit some genuine threats to appear much more dangerous than they are. If there is no "problem" to "fix", then one will be provided. Genuine problems, on the other hand, need not be fixed, and are invariably left to grow if they merely effect the taxpayers footing the bill for the real guests at this grand party. Think about the growing per capita number of prisoners in the country. Then remember that this is happening at the same time that our prison boom began. The police on our streets are intentionally creating criminals even as U.S. foreign policy is intentionally creating terrorism. Thus the intentionally cognative-dissonant yet otherwise necessarily meaningless phrase 'War On Terror', since war cannot be waged on an abstract notion or a tactic, is in reality a war of terror being perpetrated on everyone who might dissent, using unauthorized access to highly illegal advanced covert technologys with the tacit permission of the corrupt and incompetent government goons who winkingly permit and encourage these fascistic, amoral entirely despicable unamerican witchunts. The focus is to keep everyone in a state of fear, the method whereby self-appointed elitists can have their lackeys attack any group they wish without fear of consequence. Simply put, this is already American technological fascism, fast becoming dictatorship and totalitarianism. The still as yet unaccounted for events of 9/11 are repeatedly invoked as an all-encompassing rationale and justification for all of this and more. The filmmaker Arron Russo was explicitly informed of this ruse in these exact terms several months before 9/11 by Nicholas Rockerfeller, and was promised a personal microchip bearing the initials "KMA", standing for "Kiss My Ass", which Russo was assured would permit him free passage in the otherwise total lock-down New World Order to be ushered in by these "events". When asked why Rockefeller would wish to participate in this hidiously cruel and perverted scheme, he answered Russo to the effect that "the masses" "had" to be "ruled" by "the elite", and besides, "we can"; hitler said much the same.

This is why the media continues to use the ancient and insidious "art" of dehumanization, and why the existing power structure had Reagan remove our 1949 Fairness Doctrine provisions. The techniques are increasing in their sophistication over time as the mind scientists which serve the empire continue to discover scientific "breakthroughs" as to how the human brain functions, learns, retains information, and behaves. The most effective brainwashing techniques are used on the most successful propaganda networks. Examine the music. Observe the graphics with the music. They're glitzy and flashing. Like the monkey that is attracted to shiny objects, it's our monkey brain controlling the hand that controls the remote, often stopping the search for entertainment when a certain degree of glamour catches our attention. Most importantly, notice the repetition behind the lies that the politicians and their corporate media groupies use. You see, the unimaginably distorted fallacies are created as 'truth' not because they're logical or provable, but because of the broken record technique of repetition. No matter how ridiculous the lie, it's repeated often enough that the brain doesn't know the difference between reality and manufactured propaganda.

This technique is vastly underestimated by us in its ability to allow various puppeteers to hypnotize millions of people. Instead of "Fair and balanced" it is actually "We say it enough times, and you believe it." It's a tragic day when our state, which properly belongs to us, secretly engineers the enslavement and imprisonment of the population. Hollywood will continue to frighten us with films on the mafia, gangsters, and the corrupt blue collar criminal whose stupidity and greed get them caught. Our minds are thus already being pre-conditioned to accept living in a police state economy and society because we read it in the paper, saw it praised on the news and talk shows, or saw it in a movie. This is known as
"Predictive Programming". There are several movies planned right now that support the official story of 9/11 and a few movies that glamorize the war on Iraq. According to David L Robb, Author of Operation Hollywood, "Hollywood and the Pentagon have a long history of making movies together. It stretches back to the early days of silent films, and extends up until the present day. It's been a collaboration that works for both sides. Hollywood producers get what they want - access to billions of dollars of military hardware and equipment; tanks, jet fighters, nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers, and the military gets what it wants; films that portray the military in a positive light, films that make it easier for the services to recruit. The Pentagon is not merely a passive supporter of films, however.

If the Pentagon doesn't like a script, it will usually suggest script changes that will allow the film to receive military support. Sometimes these proposed changes are minor. But sometimes the changes are dramatic. Sometimes they change dialogue. Sometimes they change characters. Sometimes they even change history." What they create is something coined 'disinfotainment'. They mix disinformation with entertainment and call it disinfotainment. Unadulterated Violence is now accepted on regular TV. Killing in the name of the government is praised, that is unless the violence is committed in self defense to protect someone from the system. Sharp shooters, bombers, and assassin are worshipped if they are fighting for the system, are in the military, or are associated with groups that control the masses locally, such as the local police department. I don't condone violence, it is never desireable and it is not neccessary, yet it's entirely hypocritical, cynical, and specious to portray violence as somehow "acceptable" in one form when it favors the self-proclaimed elite, yet condemn it in protection of one's land, freedom, or loved ones. This specious double-standard reality transfers itself into the shady world of video games that are steeped in plots and tasks to kill as much as the player can. The players are getting younger and younger with 7 out of 10 children playing games with a 'Mature' rating. Recently I was browsing the PC video game selection at a very large electronics store. I was appalled to see nearly 50 different games in which the setting of the game is Iraq, and the goal is to kill as many "insurgents" as possible to "fulfill the mission". Children today are being insidiously indoctrinated through their "favorite" "games" and "law enforcement TV shows" to be the button-pushers of the weapons of mass destruction of tomorrow's world. Given these realities,
not to mention the advanced scientific capability of governments to engioneer weather through HAARP and dozens of programs we know exist yet still know nothing about, many
unanswered and frankly troubling questions remain as to the real nature and timing of events and their reportage as "reality" which merely "occurs". The recent case of Pat Tillman which "occured" does not enhance our confidence or raise our spirits with respect to either the intentions nor the transparency of these operations that we pay for and which are
carried out in our name.

There are two house bills and a senate bill (with more on the way) that are giant steps in dismantling the free speech of the general public. These bills together would kill (PEG) cable access centers where the public still owns the airwaves. It's the programming created locally, without censorship or commercial gain. Their income is derived from franchises within the local cities and a small percentage cable subscriber frees. This is a corporate takeover because this is centralizing communication by removing the locally based programming and moving the audience to the more "official", nationalistic, and sensationalized programs which promote violence, uniformity, and slavery over peace, diversity and freedom. Cable access features free speech and information with perspectives neglected by mainstream television. It also features a free flow programming system with fresh programs being aired
by new producers on a rotating basis. This keeps the content and information creative and locally based while network TV is rigid with regular time slots and repetitive programming. Bush is also attempting to ramrod a wholesale dismantling of our Constitutionally guaranteed right of privacy over the telephone, but even more dehumanizing is the realization that this very important issue itself may already at this point simply be a red herring, as there is no way for the general public to know how pervasive the illegal, unethical and amoral montoring of our every activity already is, given the secrecy surrounding technologies which are far in advance of anything we can imagine, but very probably do exist, and as Alan Watt points out, "announcements" of "new" technology are often nothing more than "Notices" that they have already been here and been used against you for some
time; prefunctory ass-coverings done after the fact to legitimate entirely illegal, immoral, and inexcusable breaches of individual privacy, freedom, and Liberty.

The blocks of programming that are universally accepted parallel the shift to engineer our entire lives without our knowledge or consent towards the factory's bell and the illusion of time. This is the creation of the "hive mind." The hive mind is result of massive brainwashing of the general public. Everyone shares the same thoughts, goals, knowledge and
understanding. A hive mind society gears itself towards conformity and ignores diversity while masquerading as the road to utopia on mainstream television. Network programming, whether it's the news or drama, is geared towards artificially creating your world and reality "for you". With the proper amount of entertainment and sensationalism, we may even be
living our lives through the television set. Many anchors and actors are beautiful and research shows that attractive people are usually perceived as trustworthy. While the real news rolls quickly by on the bottom of your screen premanipulated in its reportage, the anchor is selling you on the idea of having your very own police state hell hole right here in your local jurisdiction, or on how two opposing sports teams chasing around on a court for two hours in an attempt to score points means something important to you. No education, no
information, nothing but spin, otherwise known as lies. Today the media represents an insidious tool of brainwashing and indoctrination that is utilized on behalf of the owners interests, not yours.

Since the 1996 Telco act, television and radio stations all across the nation were bought out by major international media outlets. Clear Channel and Infinity are the two largest
corporations in radio today. This, combined with the elimination of our Fairness Doctrine Provisions, has centralized the distribution of information and has imperiled our free society to an extreme degree. If we ought to be scared, then this, combined with the deplorable lack of genuine education and actual critical thinking skills, and not endless
repetitions of a deliberately cognitive-dissonant phrase, is what we ought to be scared about. The media drums to the beat of its owners, whose interests are not those of the general public, except insofar as they may be most efficiently fleeced. Instead, they are interested in their other financial endeavors such as weapons contracting, the oil business, political parties, influencing of legislation, and of course, the prison industry. The conflicts of interest are now monumental as a result of the deregulation of corporations. The lines are deliberately blurred between one network's coverage of the war and the other. Once we come to the conclusion that the media is intentionally
deceiving us, we can apply the principle of problem-reaction-solution to understand the mechanisms at play. This formula takes a problem by either creating it or allowing it to happen, and then presents that "problem" to the population. It could be terrorism, molestation, extraterrestrials, global warming.
While pollution and greenhouse gasses are a very real problem, covert and illegal HAARP technology is being used to artificially warm our climate. If the pathocrats would simply leave things alone they would improve, but history shows they generally do not unless they somehow perceive it to be in their own best interest, or they are forced to by general consensus of the vast majority whom they tyrannize.

These phony "topics" create real fear, and no one in their right mind would support terrorism, crime, or global warming. We are thus conditioned to percieved it as acceptable to be blasted by the television, papers, and radio with 'the problem.' The natural reaction from human beings with minds thus made pliable through fear is a "request" for more control to "ensure" more "safety", a request with which the social
engineers are only too happy, eager and willing to oblige. Most let fear and emotion control decisions and usually respond with a thought-stream which translates into something akin to: "The government needs more power over our lives to make us safer and freer from tyranny. I believe what the media tells me so I will support whatever decisions they make." Today's mainstream corporate news program discourages dissent of the war and paints activists with a negative brush that hints of treason. At the same time, the so-called journalists
are cogs in a much larger machine, who know that if they report a story which reflects negatively on this system of control and government, it's likely to remain on 'the wire' and off the front pages, where every journalist yearns to see their story. So there remains a built-in disincentive to report the truth and a built-in incentive to lie, to say the very least.

The most disturbing aspect of spending a single hour examining network cable news and modern Hollywood films are the reoccurring themes in the backdrop. The central ideas
of countless "investigative reports" or "Friday night special" features are about a threat of some type over the horizon. The end of the world as we know it is being sold. If the news isn't feeding it to you, then the "History" Channel or "Discovery" Channel are either talking about the crusades, asteroids, UFOs, earthquakes, terrorism, or exposes about serial killers.

They are deliberately cobbling together a very carefully concocted message to you that our world is unstable, and of course it is in large part due to these messages and their constant efforts at destabilization, and that this big threat which is always an invisible and dangerous one is something which only more and more military and police, and never the individual or pair or family can fix. In essence, the world is run as a giant protection racket, holding various parties hostage whom the criminals behind their manufactured facade of government and corporate "respectability" deem to be able to profit from.

When you record and log all the messages, you end up with a script, produced through the think tanks and manufactured by the movie studios of Hollywood, portraying a nightmare. I am not alone in this observation. Local and network news are designing their editorials about despair
and fear because the owners, producers, and editors understand that fear sells. The end result are the desired ratings, delivered as expected. The masters of modern spin understand that we have become so degraded by these deliberate processes that many now actually derive enjoyment from being terrified. Just look at the success in the action/suspense/terror genres that have plopped onto the conveyor belt and been packaged for our gleeful consumption. When the editors in charge found out that simply plastering a terror alert chart
didn't scare people the same way it used to, they began to kick up the campaign of terror a few notches with new and creative ways to sell the notion of the "attractiveness" and "advantages" of living in a sickening morally contemptible total control police state.

When you get to the other side of the terror alerts of all shapes and sizes, you find another nightmare masquerading as the savior. The 'Ministry of Truth' will protect you. The government is here to rescue you and squash this brown terrorist bug, this gray alien, this avian bird flu, and every other nightmare that the nightly news brought you. The public relations specialists take the science of worshipping our kings down to a frame by frame level. Bush is pictured in numerous poises with a halo around his head. In other pictures, he stands tall with dozens of American flags blowing in the wind behind him. A more blasphemous display features him speaking in front of the cross of Jesus. The message send couldn't be more clearly presented. Our current leaders are of messiah status and only through them will we reach the gates of safety. The lie that has been accepted by so many as truth is that this is a religious war. Numerous prime-time programs are now narrating the story of the crusades (with sanitized horrors) to synch our hive-mind vibrations up to something out of the 13th Century, yet this is 2007. If the America people accept the fact that the crusades are here, that Bush reports directly to god, and that revelations are here, then they have won the war for our minds. What is only dimly perceived by most is that the true state of technology which is currently in existance is actually very far advanced from even what we believe to be currently advanced technology. All technology, regardless of what it is, existed far in advance of the time it was released for use by the general populace, and thus the time when the public could become aware of these technological capabilities. In some cases, this time lag has been very long indeed, up to hundreds of years. Throughout history, those in control of technology have kept people in the dark about the real capabilities which actually exist at any given period. Virtually everything mentioned in the Book Of Revelations can in fact be created by classified technological processes which do currently exist. Think about this, then think about the financial and political control which religious leaders excersise, particularly through television.

A loudspeaker whispers, "All our problems are by accident, never by design." Across the room the system's minion snorts, "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear." It's that plot that says Middle Eastern terrorists from an Afghan cave are the reason behind our little "War On Terror", and please disregard the fact that we provided millions of dollars worth of texbooks and madrassas to create those very same Jihadists, whom we must now spend billions more tax dollars to kill. Related messages in the script demonize young minority males or various other groups selected for marginalization, and suggest extraordinarily harsh punishments for any "crimes" they may possibly commit, or merely
be perceived to have comitted, or, most frightening of all, may merely be perceived to possibly be contemplating. They don't come out overtly and state this hideously unconstitutional, sociopathic and racist mind-control thought police agenda. They come at you from the side by airing the same crime news repetitively, usually when it's committed by some minority
group or perceived "other". The networks love the fact that TV establishes the norms in society today, and hence political opinion. Who would imagine that in the United States of America, both candidates of both parties in the 2004 election would be members of the Skull and Bones society at Yale University? Out of 290 million Americans, is this the best we could come up with?

It is the decision of the owners to influence producers, editors, and others involved to paint with a brush to fit the objective, which is the bottom line. If sports is what the people want, then they get it, usually in large doses. Multi-media sports (or spectator sports) is just an escape from our own existence. It's like gambling, or drug addiction. It provides that buffer zone of rooting for something with other people that we've been told is good. People's fantasies also lead them to fixating on sports. It's simulated masculinity, in an age where there's a push to change us from men to robots. It's human nature to resist and fight that which is suppressing us. The sociologists and psychologists in areas of influence know this. Spectator sports provide an internal dose of what has been stripped away from us. We've lost the right to rebel and change our government, or even contemplate doing so through warfare if necessary, which it is not. However, regulation of thought itself is a far cry from any possible conception of freedom. Today the bulk of our nation's population doesn't know what's really going on with the fall of the American dollar and the plans for the transfer of American wealth to other countries. However, most can tell you who the top basketball or football players are. A lot of fans wish they were the stars, out there on the stage, the court, and the drag strip. Either you're "numero uno" in center stage or you're nothing. End of story, according to the culture of television. The message is "if you don't conform to whatever we decide is the norm then you are useless and inadequate".

What I never understood when I was in school was why my peers and friends would act naïve or ignorant in a "Wayne's World" or "Beavis and Butthead" kind of way.
What I've learned since then is that the numerous programs that are promoting themselves as 'entertainment' are actually demographically targeted to the lowest common denominator. This is especially true with Radio disc jockeys and talkshow hosts today. The reason our airwaves are saturated with mindless content centered on fart jokes, private parts, borderline racism, and general trash talk is because it is selling. In the meantime, large numbers of our children, young adults, and older audiences are mimicking what they see and hear because our minds are wired to do so, and because the current self-reinforcing 'norm' is selling this behavior as cool or 'chic.' When the conditioned is so intense that these forms of content are considered normal, anything else seems either bizarre or uninteresting to the average American with an attention span which is decreasing daily and induced to decrease through mountains of corporate pharmaceuticals urged on us by medical authority figures all over the media. Hypothetically, if
a producer on any network could get away with a feature story genuinely exposing government corruption at the highest levels, chances are the larger impact necessary for change to occur wouldn't be realized because the average viewer's brain has already been conditioned to seek out these various types of disinfotainment. We go back to sleep. If all of this isn't a conspiracy, then the word has no meaning whatever.

The media has created the picture of a "perfect society" that "could" exist if we would "only do things their way" (their interests/government interest). It tells us what happiness is and what it is not and the same for love, hate or anything else they can implant into our subconscious. We become slaves to the system through indoctrination given through network TV. Over time, the messages are becoming increasingly racist, violent, and dishonest. But the programming began decades ago and few have the eyes to see it for what it has become. We live in a world where populations give their minds away to the official version of events, where utopia is always just around the corner as long as big brother is riding shotgun. It's a world where Hollywood can make you believe anything, even that you are free. It's a world in which the prosecutor and the judge sit on the same side of the bench. The most obvious reason that our minds are being controlled on a massive psychological scale is that our culture is being deliberately conditioned to a self-incriminating TV, radio, and newspaper-generated paradigm. We are given the world reality through a screen, some ink, or radio waves. The truth is hiding in plain site. The indoctrination through these mediums warns us
that views other than those presented by them are unimportant and to be condemned. This Administration and media monopoly has a carefully prepared dehumanization program involving each layer of beurocracy and willing brownshirt collaborators among the brainwashed citizenry who pathetically believe they are doing their "patriotic" duty, for anyone that dissents from the official version of events. Of course, the collaborators never stop to think about the time when they will become the victims of this dictatorship; they are always assured it will always be the "other". Disagree with these domestic terrorists, the modern- day American equivalent of the hitler youth, and you become a thought-criminal straight out of 1984, Brave New World, all of it, much of which was predictive programming itself. When researching these topics, you will begin to understand that these agendas have existed for a very long time indeed, and that the world is far older than you were ever taught or realized.

Some people are wrong about 5% of the time. Some are wrong most of the time. I wish I was wrong all the time. A lot of people deal with these intense realities by asking me rhetorically "What's the solution, smart guy?" or "Well, is it better anywhere else?" but these, sadly, do not address the degree of humanity which has been stolen from us and future generations. Remember, it's the viewers, the consumers and all the other little votes called dollars that helped this oligarchic system lay its concrete foundation in our backyards. We must recognize
the truth about why the system is flawed and enslaving of us if we wish to change it for the better. The most important solution to fighting this type of brainwashing and mind control is to start with ourselves and our own awakening in the smaller things. In this case, it's brainwashing, but after awhile we break Outside The Box and begin venturing outside the system and into unknown terrain. Fighting with people and forcing them to understand 'our truth' is not a solution. If our free will created this nightmare, than only our free will can change it.
This is why the war to overcome human free will is so evil and insidious. The battle begins in the heart and mind of the beholder, and then extends outward from there, only to those open to the information.

If you choose to travel the road to the truth, then you must be prepared for the obstacles that await you. You may be condemned or criticized by your family, your friends, your lovers, or your co-workers, and many are. You will find that many people really do not want to know the truth, they feel threatened by it, and they will dislike you for telling it. A big part of this is their programming which began at birth and is doing exactly what it's designed to do. Another element is that you may be perceived by others subconsciously as posing a
threat to the status quo. It can be quite lonely, but you're going to have to be stronger than that. You must realize that there is a reality which exists outside of this controlled artificial system. Once you do wake up, it's as if a hypnotist came along and snapped his fingers. You wake up and say to yourself, "I can see it now. Why did it take me so long to wake up?" For some it can be a major shock. Like anything else, take this information and knowledge in stages. If it took a lifetime to mold your reality for you, then you know it may take longer
than a day to fully awaken. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The most important thing is to keep an open mind, to never stop dreaming, and to
keep your hopes alive. It's not easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. - adapted from "Mass Mind Control Through Network Television" by Alex Ansary. Further Information at: and

The headlines about Foley's predatory pedophiliac behavior, which have earned him not a long trip to jail but a $60,000 per year taxpayer-sponsored pension, illustrate the greater issue of a leadership off its moorings and afflicted by the collective perversion of defiling our foundational equity and justice-for-all letter and spirit of what our nation long claimed to stand for, but no longer does if it ever did. Nearly everyone in the administration, Congress and courts, share the guilt of having by their actions destroyed Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address to "resolve....that this nation....shall have a new birth of freedom (in a) "government of the people, by the people, for the people (that) shall not perish from the earth." They have conspiratorially participated in the crimes of a nation that go against Lincoln's hope that the dead he spoke of hadn't "died in vain" on "the great battle-field" where he stood. They have also defiled what the Founders stood for and gave us in 1787 when 55 of them met in the Philadelphia State
House, where the Declaration of Independence was signed 11 years earlier, and framed an historic foundational document for the new federal republic they hoped would last into "remote futurity." Franklin openly and presciently warned us to keep our republic. Alan Watt at has claimed on more than extensive and extremely well-documented evidence that Franklin was quite aware of the motives of those who would attempt to cynically use and subvert our democracy for the purposes of usurping our American
republic and thus our very freedom itself, and that this was intended to be within the context of a larger yet never declared design, engineered by those who could not and never would do so due to the nefarious anti-human character of their ends. Where are the leaders now with the kind of wisdom, foresight, character, courage and honor our Founders and Lincoln had?

A modern-day Diogenes would search in vain. We've come a long way in the last 220 years and since the time Lincoln spoke of a nation "conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." Today democracy and freedom are somewhere between life support and the crematorium, and Ben Franklin would have said "I warned you".
The only speculation now is whether it's too late to save the republic. Since the outright theft of the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election, our "worthy experiment" has gone entirely awry because those with the power to nurture it spurned the chance. They sacrificed it on the alter of corrupt power corrupting absolutely. Even at its outset, the flaws in the republic were broad, but we managed to survive anyway and grow as a nation in spite of them. We had a remarkable foundational start, and it helped in no small measure that along the way we had enlightened periods like the late 19th century Progressive Movement and later the New and Fair Deals and Great Society, when our government actually did serve the needs
of our people. It didn't last. The modern-day "great transformation" south began in the early 1970s with the breakdown of the post-WW II Bretton Woods international economic order when the enormous debt from the Vietnam war forced Richard Nixon to close the gold window and make the dollar a fiat currency backed by nothing but the good faith of the issuing authority. "Trilaterialism" emerged then to counter what its influential members saw as a "crisis of democracy," meaning too much of it. It was founded by Chase Manhattan bank president David Rockeller (scion of the king of the original "robber barons"), Zbignew Brzezinski (Jimmy Carter's national security advisor) and had about 300 other "eminent private citizen" members of an elite international ruling class whose power is centered in the dominant transnational corporate interests aiming to rule the world and make it safe for unfettered capital at the expense of the genuine public interest. Free trade is a very good thing, and is a vital part of the free enterprise system which has brought us all great blessings, yet free trade unrestrained by sensible conscience or tyrannically regulated for dictatorial purposes is not free, but a voracious dangerous beast which eats genuine freedom continuously.

The period when capital began to be deregulated and the socio-economic trends cynically monikered "neoliberalism" emerged to counter and erode the social and economic legacy of the FDR through LBJ years. Republican President Dwight Eisenhower, a American military General of integrity and valor, again warned us publicly of the grave dangers inherent in what he accurately termed the "military-industrial complex" in the 1950's, and Ike was also wise enough to leave in place the New Deal policies which he knew were enlightened and good for our nation's overall health, wealth, prosperity and well-being. The Trilateralists had other ideas, however, and they only took a few years to begin reversing the great social gains begun under Franklin Roosevelt, which began to rapidly atrophy with the engineered election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. Despite the Hollywood b-actor-turned politician's phony proclamation
of a new "Morning In America", Reagan and his administration set about the dismantling and restructuring of our American government to be one of, for and by the privileged, to serve only the interests of capital, and to abuse the people who had been hoodwinked into electing the wolf in sheeps clothing. We still had a semblance of real elections then, but it didn't help. The entire process had already by that time been predicated on the substitution and triumph of media jargon and deception over all genuinely legitimate considerations.

Today, even the pretense of equitable elections based on rational debate has been lost as technology wedded to the corruption of power has destroyed the most fundamental elements
of our democratic society, rendering the American principles of "Responsibility" and "Values" constantly touted by the promoters of this agenda so much palaver dressed up in the garb of relics from another era. A free and fair election process is not the stock and trade of the current neocon Bush regime, which was proven twice over as we, regarded as sheep by these criminals, were led to believe through the narcotic of television and $300 rebates of our own tax monies that the fraudulent "incumbent" and a large number of his congressional cohorts were somehow actually our legitimately elected choices when they manifestly were not. The only way the neocons could be considered legitimate would be if by "the people", we meant those of extreme privilege and already accumulated and consolidated advantage who stood to gain the most by fraudulently installing themselves in office through elaborate fakery, the manipulation of Diebold black-box voting, and the wholesale distortion of our electoral process through redistricting, illegal voter supression, and other unamerican and anti-democratic processes ad nauseum. In 2006, all but the most credulous of the Republicans finally woke up, and a scant balance of sanity was restored through a resurgence by the Democrats, but only through extreme vigilance at the polls, where it was finally understood that these deceptions are most easily perpetrated.

Bush's "inauguration" on January 20, 2001 is properly remembered as a day of infamy in the nation's history. It was also disturbingly reminiscent even then of the fall of Paris on June 14, 1940 to the nazi wehrmacht when the people of that city were assembled to watch the jack boots parade along the Champs-Elysees turning the "City of Light" to darkness and despair. So too, a shroud of gloom fell over our capitol and nation on our dark day for those who knew what would follow from the fall of our government and democracy to the invading neocons. They wasted no time, and as soon as the inaugural festivities ended they began a process of dismantling what remained of our democratic
freedoms in earnest. Before he could even find the West Wing, Bush immediately signed executive orders reversing the few more enlightened policies of his predecessor. It was a clear sign of what was coming. It has been an agenda of tyranny aided by a tsunami of socially destructive and authoritarian executive orders enabled by the legislative and
judicial acquiescence to a shameless, corrupted front-man stooge for a cabal of neocon bandits led by Cheney in the role of Vice-President. This alliance has jeopardized our republic to the point where it now hangs by a thread that could give way on any pretext, and indeed the closer the neocon machine comes to their deservedly ignoble end, the more fearful reports of shootings, disasters and suchlike "events" appear in our conveniently deregulated media, because that's all they have left. Like previous
"master race" regimes, their morality and agenda are corrupted by a Machivellian world vision and delusions of superiority that they have a God-given moral authority
to rule the world with an unchallenged and closed fist.

To these amoral sociopaths, democracy, freedom and the rule of law are anathema, as such principles stand in the way of their quest for global dominance and the subjugation of everyone through the barrel of a gun abroad, and the so-called Department of "Homeland" Security at domestically which is nothing more than a rehash of hitler's gestapo state police and his schutzstaffel praetorian guard, or "Protective Squadron" known as the "SS", which had administrative control over the entire nazi "homeland security" operation. Both these agencies became symbols of terror as justice under them was cruel, unconstitutional, arbitrary, capricious and entirely lacking in due process or any
legitimate authority. These methods have now become standard practice under the Cheney/Bush neocon "rule", where anyone for any reason can now be seized without cause, designated an "enemy combatant", "renditioned" to a torture-prison hellhole in an undisclosed corner of the earth with no chance to be free again or any chance of help. In the view of the CIA, the law of our once-free land now allows the state to do openly what it's been secretly doing all along - make everyone it targets "phantom prisoners" taken on "ghost planes" to be held in "secret prisons", subject to the justice of a military tribunal with no competent defense or right of appeal. For dissenters, if no simulation of cause can be fraudulently manufactured, illegal domestic terrorist gangs and cabals are allowed and encouraged to harass and interfere with private individuals in their
own homes and neighborhoods in despicable contravention of all American law and right. There is no clearer definition of tyranny than than this complete disregard
for our American law, rights, and freedoms.

Bush showed his dark sadistic attitude and behavior early on, progressing from a young boy blowing up frogs for "sport" with firecrackers, to now invading countries with media-hyped "shock and awe" "campaigns". Along the way, as governor of Texas he shamelessly mocked a condemned and desperate woman's pleas for help at the eleventh hour before she was executed, refusing to show any mercy, or even human decency in an interview he gave at the time, yet this man and his followers set
themselves up as having "Christian Values". Bush takes "credit" for having presided over more executions as Texas governor than any other governor in the nation
since capital punishment was reinstated by the Supreme Court in 1976. Even his own Texas aides said of him that Bush is a man who enjoys killing. The proper word
for such behaviour is psychopathy.

He enjoyed inflicting pain in his college days as well, as evidenced by a 1967 so-called fraternity initiation rite he was involved in that was exposed by the Yale Daily News and reported in the New York Times at the time. It involved a barbaric "hazing" procedure used by Delta Epsilon Kappa (DKE) fraternity when Bush was a Yale senior and fraternity president. New members then had to undergo painful hours of being kicked and beaten, branded, etc. It was enough to cause second degree burns and leave permanent scars on the skin as well as in the memories of those initiates going through it. When word got out about the practice, DKE fraternity was censured and fined, and the practice was summarily banned by the university.

People of conscience who believe in the letter and spirit of the law would have blanched at this kind of information and much more that was suppressed when George Bush was a presidential candidate in 2000. It was no commonplace history of a young man sowing his wild oats or going through his rites of passage. This reveals a brutalized man who thinks he has a right to use, abuse and brutalize anyone for his own amusement or self-interest. Had the voters known any of this, at the least it would have given them pause about whether this was the kind of man they wanted as chief executive, but the deregulated, bought and paid for media utterly failed to do their job, preferring to enable Cheney and Bush rather than risk losing "access" to these criminals. As things turned out, it didn't matter who was actually
elected, as five arrogant U.S. Supreme Court justices previously installed for just bsuch purpose "decided" that their own votes counted more than all of ours. They wanted a Republican president, and so deprived Gore of the office he legitimately won. The Supreme Court annulment of our most fundamental American
democratic right to vote and to have our votes fairly counted, without which there can be no democracy, put America directly on a road to ruin, and this has been
by the design of interests who want America to be ruined.

Investigative reporting proved how corrupt the electoral process was in 2000 due to the mass-disenfranchisement of millions of eligible voters. It got worse in 2004, slightly better in 2006, and may very well be off the charts in 2008 unless very serious reforms insuring a free, fair, and honest vote is enacted immediately. Democrats will be hard-pressed to do it now that electronic voting machines run by large corporations control over 80% of the total vote. But we now know full well that these machines can and have been easily manipulated in secret, assuring that the companies controlling them get enough of the candidates they favor elected, ending any pretense that there can ever again be a free and fair election with these machines or these companies ever in charge of our American voting processes, and this is yet another reason why generally half of the still-enfranchised public never bothers to show up at the polls. They believe it's all a fraud anyway, and to the extent that we do not restore free, fair, open and honest elections, they are absolutely correct. Why bother to vote if your choice goes by fraud to a candidate whom you did not vote for, or if your vote is never counted, or even if it is counted doesn't effectively matter anyway, because the only choice is what Ralph Nader has accurately called "the evil of two lessers."? Our system has become a de facto one-party state. Author and social critic Gore Vidal calls it the "Property Party" with two right wings: Republicans and Democrats together forming a plutocracy. Others call it fascism, but by any definition, it's the tyranny of capital enforced by storm trooper brutality and military tribunal justice spelling the end for our democratic republic, unless we impeach Cheney and Bush immediately and demand that our government return to the processes that have served us in the past, and institute only those innovations which genuinely support our genuine American principles of liberty, freedom,
privacy, fairness, equality, opportunity, justice, equity, and security, not merely in name, but in actual practice and for all Americans. This is a tall order, merely because all of this has been deliberately stolen from us. It is our task to take back our nation for ourselves, for our descendants, and for the future of humanity.

We see the results of our loss of liberty and privacy today in the kinds of people serving in high office, and the unmitigated harm their malice, greed and lust for power cause. They shamelessly used 9/11 as a launching platform to go to war in order to assert control, and to exploit for political and economic gain, and to control oil resources which were deliberately made necessary through the supression of the development of hundreds of available sources of clean and free independent American energy alternatives.
Cheney and Bush invented lies in order to justify a mission of madness, planned years earlier, starting in the Middle East and Central Asia, and continuing until its sick unamerican goal of "full spectrum dominance" is achieved over all land, sea, air, outer space and information. Congress is spending billions of our tax dollars developing these horrors. If it can be done, we'll all be forced to live by the rules it makes for an "integrated world economy" which it hopes to establish in order to serve the interests of capital devoid of all social conscience or responsibility, which regards human beings as "production inputs" to "extract value" from and then be discarded. Would anyone with a shred of human decency or real understanding of this agenda accept it, especially if they realized that they themselves must necessarily fall prey to it eventually?

Israel has the power and influence of a giant. We fund and arm it lavishly and support it's defense, as we should. Yet, for nearly 60 years, Israel has been warred upon and has warred with neighbors. Israel has every right to exist, and to co-exist peacefully with it's neighbors, as do all people and nations, but neither the U.S., nor any other nation has any right to sumarrily declare empire and to thereby justify endless war that destabilizes and ruins everyones genuine peace, opportunity, privacy, and security.

As Smedley Butler USMC observed "War Is A Racket". War is an unimaginative, non-creative, destructive, morally reprehensible and criminally false justification to continue to amass illegitimate and fundamentally corrupt profits, always by force and always at the greatest expense of some "other" group. It is not ever right, except in the most necessary and extreme defense of life itself, but to remorselessly pit peoples and nations against each other, and to further profit from the ensuing bloodshed, selling weapons to all sides, etc etc etc, is the depth of inhumanity, cruelty, and amoral madness. As human beings we most certainly can and we absolutely must do better than this for ourselves, for our children, for our nations, and for our future.

No other US administration in history can match the appalling six year record of the Bush neocons. The harm they've done and the price free people are paying for it is incalculable. They have brazenly killed nearly 500,000 human beings under the guise of "bringing" their survivors the "benefits" of "western civilization," and they have doomed millions more to misery, suffering and death through unconscionable and inhuman engineering of war, disease, famine, pestilence, and all the horrors generated through trillions of dollars of
technological equipment, when a fraction of this money, effort, and energy could bring peace, stability, freedom, understanding, hope and progress to those who freely choose those things should they so desire them without undue influence, inducement, or coersion. Freely means genuine freedom, a word which now seems, under Cheney and Bush, to have lost all respect among those who most loudly and militarily purport to "support and defend" it. Cheney and Bush have trashed our sacred constitutional and international laws and norms, institutionalized the use of mass-imprisonment, torture and dehumanizing and degrading barbaric acts to force their illegal will on Americans and on others, they have a ready set of new targets in their queue, and they have created a proto-fascist national "security" police state at home, which is not security but rather comprises the most insidious form of mind control and coercive totalitarian unamerican nazi-style and designed dictatorship, tolerating no dissent nor affording any protection of our sacred American and International Constitutional Rights of Habeas Corpus and of Due Process, which have now effectively been annulled. The illegitimate, unauthorized and unamerican police state uses numerous illegal, immoral, anti-human and inexcusable overt and covert secret technologies to pry, spy, mind-control and entirely invade human individual privacy, freedom, and Liberty. The United States does not, cannot and will not ever stand for such unregulated activities, and most especially on our own American soil against our own American private individuals, whether from land, sea, air, or space. Such activities are diametrically opposed and anathema to every principle of every American of any conscience or character whatever, and must never be permitted under any circumstances. The use of these technological methods violates every principle of American and International law, and every principle of human right.

People of conscience demanding justice and accountability are outraged that officials responsible for this agenda may never have to answer for their crimes in a court of law. But
that doesn't mean they've gone unnoticed or unaddressed. The Bush administration has now become the first one in US history to be charged with war crimes by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the only other one the ICRC ever charged besides nazi Germany. Those named culpable are George Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, top military commanders and many members of our own American Congress. Their crimes match the worst of those in the hitler regime put in the Nuremberg Tribunal dock to stand trial. The ones found guilty there of the "supreme international crime" of illegal aggression were hanged, while others of lesser culpability were sentenced to appropriate prison terms for
lengths of time commensurate with their crimes. In a world not ruled by victor's justice, Cheney, Bush and their conspiratorial allies would be held just as accountable and made to face the exact same standard of judgment at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, as the worst of the nazi criminals did at Nuremberg.

The threat of that happening after he leaves office may be why it's been reported that Bush recently bought a 98,842 acre farm in Paraguay to go along with the 173,000 acres his father already owns there. Both properties border Bolivia and Brazil and comprise in total an astonishing 2.7% of the whole country. Are they considering buying a controlling interest in it? It's not known what the Bush family has in mind there, but it is known that Paraguay has no laws criminalizing money-laundering or anti-terrorism or terrorist financing, even though it does have an extradition treaty with the US if it will ever dare to find the will to use it against the well-deserving Cheney and Bushes. Bush may have gotten advice to seek a safe haven because he and his cohorts have very much to answer for to the US public and to the world community, including having financed their despicable Orwellian agenda on the back of a growing mountain of over 9 trillion dollars of unrepayable debt which has caused some analysts to believe they've helped to bankrupt our beloved American nation, and that thus an eventual fiscal calamity is unavoidable, the end result being what most people hold unthinkable - that the richest, most free, and at one time
most repected and revered of all nations may eventually default on its sovereign debt, and that entitlements which millions are counting on and think are safe, and all other financial obligations will be abrogated, because either there won't be enough resources left to pay them or we'll just have near-worthless fiat currency which no one any
longer wants. This is the specter of a potential future "elephant in the room" calamity which very few in high places will even admit is there. Nor is there much talk that
this was all engineered by successive administrations, a complicit Congress and a friendly private for-profit Federal Reserve (owned and controlled by the largest banks and by Wall Street giants), always willing to print up all the ready cash needed to keep the party going.

As long as they can get away with it, they will keep operating this way (as they are doing now), because once it stops the "good times" are over, and so is the freewheeling neocon imperialistic death machine. While it lasts though, the self-admiring "high-rollers" are benefitting directly at the American public's expense from a dollar-financed Ponzi
scheme using the world's dominant reserve currency debt to advance the interests of capital, and to build a global US empire to secure it. The ugly scheme has gone on unchecked for decades, it accelerated during the Reagan years and went into overdrive under the Bush neocons and their agenda of endless imperial wars for world dominance which need lots of cash and mountains of debt to create it. Today we have their legacy, and we're governed recklessly by an authoritarian band of amoral marauders with delusions of grandeur for
their sick conception of a brave "new world order" which threatens not only our genuine American heritage, but all of humanity as well. It's a delusional vision of corporatism enforced with unchallengeable military might, and made possible by the magic of printing press debt monetization which other central banks have to go along with. They haven't much choice as they're tied to the majority of America's industrial base which now operates in their countries, but more importantly, they're entrapped in a US-controlled dollarized world where over half their foreign reserves collectively are now in the US currency, China alone holding $1 trillion of them. All the players need to keep the scheme going like a worldwide fiscal game of musical chairs being played on the edge of a cliff. They can't let the music stop even though they know one day it will, and then they'll face the same fate as the Mother Goose character Humpty Dumpty. Herb Stein, Richard Nixon's chief economic advisor, knew all about the nursery rhyme symbolism. He explained it once when he said: "Things that can't go on forever, don't." He omitted the part about what happens next, but he understood the penalty for excess is high, painful, inevitable and at that point there's nothing
"All the king's horses and all the king's men" can do about it.

This is the legacy of a generation of greed capped by the never-elected Cheney/Bush neocon coup-d'etat which will go down in history as a blight on humanity, the likes of which may end up exceeding anything preceding it anywhere - and that is if we survive to reflect on it. Contrast this to an earlier Age of Enlightenment which helped inspire our liberating revolutionary spirit, creating the grand experiment of a democracy never before tried outside of an imperfect earlier version for a few decades in ancient Athens. Theirs ended as ours seems to be now, and many share the blame besides this rogue regime, Congress and Courts. As much fault lies with the dominant interests in corporate boardrooms, without whose complicity none of this would be tolerated, the Zionists and Christian fundamentalists with enormous influence on policy which is by our constitution mandated to be independent of all religious influence, and those in academia and most especially in the major media who sold their souls pledging allegiance to a criminal enterprise posing as a legitimate government. They're all conspiratorially allied in this mission of madness for the benefits they get at the expense of the American public, and of many all over the world, and of the ultimate price that one day will have to be paid for their transgressions. Some blame, but not nearly as much, since they have been intentionally deceived for so long, must go to the many millions of ordinary people so pre-occupied in our daily lives that they somehow allowed themselves to take the word of a sadist and inveterate liar making empty promises to combat terror
threats that were deliberately cooked up, as with the millions of Jihadist textbooks funded by $51 million dollars of our tax monies, or which never existed, all while claiming to "care" about the democratic social equity and justice-for-all principles which Cheney, Bush, our Congress, courts and other dominant interests obviopusly don't give a tinker's damn about, although now that people may be holding them accountable, a few Democrats have suddenly found some justification to actually begin once again to uphold our American and international laws. Democrats and Republicans alike need to get a spine, fast, and stand up to the unelected criminals leading them about as if they owned them, or Americans will kick them out and bring in representatives who will restore our nation to We, The People to whom she rightfully belongs, and for whom we have and will continue to sacrifice everything. America is not the property of a few corrupt liars. She belongs to us. The sooner our representatives understand that, the sooner we can restore our American honor and Liberty.

How often the public falls for this scam, and how easy it is for those in power to deceive us any time they scheme to invent a new "threat" to scare us into going along with whatever garbage they have in mind all while fleecing us in the process without our ever being the wiser. The next "big crisis" is "Global Warming". Again, Greenhouse Gasses are a threat, and pollution is a very serious problem, but HAARP technologies are being used to artificially warm the atmosphere in service to this hoax and others. If the psychopathocracy would simply desist from their
Machivellian routines, the earth and its inhabitants could get along very well without them, but then they would have to change, and history show that they do not unless it is either in their perceived self-interest to do so, or if they are forced to change. Like those they rape and plunder, we, too, are victims - of our own indifference that likely won't change unless our loss becomes so great that everyone takes notice, but by then it may easily be too late. We the people are letting the psychopathocracy get away with their destructive scheme of
endless imperial wars, income redistributionist tax cuts for the rich and corporate giants, the erosion of essential social services and the repressive USA Patriot Act and others which
"legalize" all intrusions into our lives and lead to even more abuses, such as the Military Commissions Act which effectively annuls the Constitution, criminalizes dissent and makes
us all "enemy combatants" with no legal rights left to defend ourselves, including the bedrock of habeas and due process. How willing so many have been to go along. The crime of the nation is the shame of a failed state no longer seen abroad as a beacon and symbol of hope and freedom. We are now an out-of-control dystopian rogue enterprise run by a craven unelected leadership fighting a war of terror against humanity, that's taking all of us on a road to a hellish nightmare, blasphemously exploiting the Bible itself as a business plan. Is there still time to stop this criminal insanity and save our American republic? If we finally realize the enormity of the threat Cheney and Bush constitute and we actually fight back in our own self-defense, we can save our beloved nation. You CAN make a difference, but only if you take peaceful and positive action. America is her people. It is up to you to save your nation. Demand that your representatives act in your interest by impeaching both Cheney and Bush immediately. - adapted from an article by Steven Lendman

Monday, May 07, 2007 9:22:00 PM  

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