Monday, September 18, 2006

Truthout No Longer A Place To Share The Truth

For those familiar with, you will likely have a mental image of their recognizable format, ... predictable three column layout, and proclivity for progressive and liberal news feeds from other sources. On occasion there was original reporting, most recently when Jason Leopold used Truthout(TO) as the news outlet for his research and writing on the Plame affair in Washington. Specifically, Leopold's research on the crime of her public revelation as a CIA NCO operative led him to believe, and TO to publish, that Karl Rove was charged in a sealed Federal indictment as part of the ongoing investigation of that crime. Many TO Forum regulars defended TO's stand to publish Leopold's article, I among them. The jury is literally still out on this investigation, and whom will be indicted remains unkown and under seal to this day.

This forum will not address that article, nor the substance or lack thereof in the article published on TO. This forum is devoted to a discussion of the support TO and Leopold, ... and TO's Executive Director Marc Ash received in the aftermath of the publishing of Leopold's expose. Moreover it is focused upon Truthout's devotion, or lack thereof, to its readership and contributors.

Truthout had long hosted a public forum for fresh ideas from individual contributors (diaries) and as many websites do, TO also invited, indeed thrived, on replies to both diaries and original articles such as Leopold's, and in response to many other daily news article feeds TO republished from other sources. The exchange was lively, moderated, and voluminous. Some on every side of the political aisle would argue that it was not always "fair", ... but a quick survey of other blogs reveals that it was, in general, respectful.

I say "had", for last Friday Truthout decided, ... or at least acted upon a decision perhaps taken earlier, that the Truthout Forum was no longer a proper business pursuit for that website. A clearer definition of TO's business model, as stated to me by TO's executive director, is that Truthout is a news reporting agency. Other sites provide forums for the exchange of ideas, but TO's purpose is not that, ... it is to report the news.

Perhaps TO's readers and contributors would have been better served to have understood that from the very beginning. I, as I suspect many of TO's devoted readers and contributors, both wrote and read the many threads about TO's news feeds and its original reporting, when there was some. For my part the exchange there in the TO Forum helped me to better grasp the full meaning of the news feeds on TO.

Truthout is not the first website to be confused about its business intentions versus its true role in the new world of internet publishing. But TO stands alone perhaps for its inept timing in removing the Forum at a crucial moment in the runup to the Fall elections. If Truthout does not feel the elections are critical, then they are alone in that belief, ... and stand in stark contradiction to those readers who have flocked to TO over the last several years, and poured out their thoughts on the Forum there.

What TO was thinking in their decision to stifle the exchange of ideas this close to the election will remain unknown to the world, I suspect. The lack of a moderator, or the lack of the intention to host a forum at all, both seem pallid in comparison to the need for an open, clear and free speech forum on every progressive venue to marshal energy and participation in the vote. That TO has opted to abandon its most fervent supporters in Mid October tells us something. What that is to become is perhaps the first topic for forums here, or elsewhere that TO readers go to share thoughts again with one another.

The town meeting which was the Truthout Forum is dead, a place where reflections on the pieces of news we all read could be shared.

I will drink my coffee elsewhere and share my thoughts in other places, for I am intent to do so as part of my being Human and aware. I'll get my news from any sources I might choose in the market, ... but I will always discuss it solely with my many friends. I found many in the TO forum, and will retain at least a few from there. But I can not feel that TO itself was a friend at all, ... just a business, ... run by business types, whose intentions are inscrutable, ... and impersonal. For my part, ... I'd rather spend my leisure time with friends. We have things to do with and for one another, ... and we need a place where that can be accomplished!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

message is not flagged. [ Flag Message - Mark as Unread ]

Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 17:28:20 -0700
To: "Fairy Tale Trash"
From: "Marc Ash" View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Re: TruthOut's Forum AWOL
We are not a public forum, we are a news reporting agency. The forum,
while popular with some TO readers is a big drain on resources and
distracts us from our mission - news reporting. Right now we don't have a
qualified moderator, we want to focus on "our thing."

There are good forums out there, that's what they do - it's not what we


Marc Ash, Executive Director - t r u t h o u t

I want to know how someone can purport to report the news in the year 2006!!!!! and manage to overlook the fact that BLOGS, FORUMS, BLOGGERS, DIARISTS and POSTERS on blogs and forums ARE MAKING THE NEWS ... the two are hand in hand.

What is wrong with this picture???

Who will step up to the plate and replace the TO Town Meeting with a viable forum??? A meaningful forum of honesty and FREE SPEECH with even moderating.

Many have come and attempted to 'steal' the posters from the TO blog as some there are the best minds available in the world today.

Who will step up??


(it's me EWO fairytaletrash) I can't remember my blogger's password so am going anonymous on this one just to get it posted. Thanks larry and stargazer and GOOD POINT about the RE-publishing. Sometimes I'd get a little irritated because I felt like I had to WAIT to discuss something so as not to usurp TO's place in 'reporting' an event. That wasn't good. Other things weren't either.

Who's going to step up to the plate and carry this banner and carry on the REAL TRUTH.

Let's get the REAL TRUTH OUT !!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:51:00 AM  
Blogger Stephen Neitzke said...

Sg51 -- Excellent post. My post to my own blog this morning would have been different had I located yours on Monday. Mine is more abrubt. I'm going back to it now to add a link to this one of yours. Lets try to keep the Town Meeting community together somewhere.

DD Revival -- The Blog"

Wednesday, September 20, 2006 8:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So very strange...

SG51 - yes, excellent post. It's so very strange that a website that is founded upon the belief in free speech would restrict it in such a way.

It has become clear to me in recent months that TO has their own agenda, and they will continue to push it, even if it costs them their readership.

So where are the displaced TO regulars to go now? Where can we call home?

Thursday, September 21, 2006 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is ludicrous to think that TO can compete with the other agencies out there without the Town Meeting. The TM had some very powerful aspects to it that drew some incredibly alert minds....

For myself, I am disappointed that for some reason, and I don't buy Mr Ashs explanation, a forum that had the ability to effect real and positive change in society by educating was shut down. Sad really!


Thursday, September 21, 2006 8:00:00 PM  
Blogger Stephen Neitzke said...

don -- What you said. Ditto. Right down to the spineless Dems. Add in my direct democracy remedies. From Ash down, none of the TO hierarchy would respond to anything that I sent. If it's offensive to the the superrich, the massively failed status quo, or the Dems, and isn't auto-marginalized, TO doesn't want to hear it. Everything that they publish on the front page that is offensive to the superrich and Dems auto-marginalizes straight into the Dems' corruption machine. TO knows how to handle the contemptible rabble. Keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, and make 'em all Dems. Politics would be great if it weren't for all those damned people.

Saturday, September 23, 2006 8:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,

don't worry you all, we are working on an alternative blog for all of us. Cassandra has your email and if you don't think she does you can email me with it at She will be sending out a letter and telling everyone what the deal is - I guess we want to put something together but we want everyone's vote and input on how to do so. Stay Tuned. PS. This is lizbitchwitch!

Sunday, September 24, 2006 1:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It took nearly two weeks to track down the bloggers from Truthout. I often bragged about the quality of those at the Meeting and how I valued their input. Like others, I am very suspicious of the timing and wonder who paid the editors off.

I will keep watching this site for further contact.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SG51, what can I say except a this your diary is testament of the intellectual foundation that made TO the "news re-reporting" agency that it was. Marc Ash's actions due not even warrant a response as the abrupt interruption of the TM w/o notice to its readership speaks well for the character of the man.

I'm just glad we finding each other and can continue to exchange ideas and dialogue until we find a home. Cassandra so appropriately coined us as TO refugees. I was doing some research last evening on Kenya and learned of how many refugees are seek refuge in this country. I thought about us, we're cyber refugees. Thank you for giving a place to call home.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 3:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stargazer, once again you have said it better than I ever could have....nicely stated and put forth......I too sit back at a loss over the way this was done to the TO readers, bloggers, contributors and is a shame and I have to agree with Cassandra, it does seem rather odd that this was done this way so close to the November elections.........feel free to add my email to that list of Cassandras....EWO has been passing it around, hope we can all get together somewhere soon!.....BEACHDWELLER

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Camae, while I was not a regular contributer to the TO I was a regular reader and felt that I benefitted from that. I learned so much and I miss it terribly and while it's not nice of me I do feel angry that it was pulled with no notice or warning.

Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:46:00 AM  

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