Sunday, February 10, 2008

John McCain - The Real Risk of A Trojan Horse

The primaries have swept aside Romney's dreams of the Oval Office, at least by election. The Paul and Kucinich, Dodd and Edwards campaigns have all, despite the valiance of their purposes, fallen prey to the challenge of popular opinion, or the process, or both.

The Republican Party is left with the prospect of a McCain majority and nomination. Some in the theocratic wing of the party hold out hope, instead, that there is a stealth consituency of sufficient size and conviction, that Mike Huckabee, ex-governor of Arkansas. and ordained Christian minister, might sieze the moment, and the party's nomination away from the clutches of the likes of John McCain. It is difficult enough to read the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup, let alone those which float unsupported in mid-air, and so I will concern myself with the realistic likelihood that McClain will be the Republican nominee, no matter how grudgingly the Ann Coulters and Rush Limbaughs of the world find it to admit. That crowd, as genuine as they may attempt to seem about supporting Hillary and sending her contributions, is universally adherent to a Rovian committment to subterfuge and lies. It is their stock in trade, a philosophical weapon they felt would entitle them and their spawn, however unholy, to reign over America for one Hundred Years!

Certainly if McCain is hated by these, then as a Progressive or Democrat, I should set aside my concerns and consider, even at this early moment, voting in November for McCain! After all, at the time of his nomination he will be 72 years of age. He stands for what he has always stood for, correct? Quite the contrary! There is no "maverick" left in McCain. Perhaps he has lived so long under the banner of the right, of the Reich, that he knows he would never see the inside of the Oval Office, except as an unwelcome invitee of opposing forces in his party, of those of the opposition.

There is the suggestion that a Romney might be selected as candidate for VP, ... certainly someone to the right of McCain, in hopes of pandering to the right one more time, ... feeding the bloodthirsty, war-mongering, speendthrifty Reich. And so you hear ridiculous trial baloons, ... John Bolten for Secretary State?, that cause Independents and Democrats to not only question McCain's political orientation, but even truly, his sanity.

Observing this aging public servant, ex-service member, and yes, POW, ... causes me to question the effect of that time in a cage in Hanoi, ... the effects of age alone on this political animal. He seems to reach for hands to shake that no else sees, reacts to the swarm of political gatherings as if surrounded by ghosts, or apparitions. In short, I see a candidate who, in my opinion, is obviously aging, and losing the ability to discern truth from fiction, imaginings from reality. There is no spunk left in him, except when he threatens Iran, or commits himself to our armed forces staying in Iraq for generations to come, certainly long after he is long gone and forgotten.

Behind McCain, the Republicans will place a vice presidential candidate who will wait in the actuarial wings, ... hand-picked, bought and paid for. And sadly, there might come a day when their nominee, if he were to miraculously claim office as our president, would succumb to the sheer mathematics of aging. The chances in his first term would rise to above average. And so this candidate poses a greater than average risk of presenting America with a replacement, not of our making, but of the minority party.

Beware the Republican Party bearing gifts. Even more, beware the party as they draft an unholy compromise and substitute their candidate as Vice Presidential candidate, having clearly lost the majority of his party's voters. And so the man behind "the man" will be selected to pander to the minority of the minority. God save us from the day that person, and his adherents, are likely to pray for. God save us from a succession in office that brings us, perhaps sooner rather than later, more of the Rovian nightmare, unbidden.

More importantly, God save us from becoming accessies to that crime at the voting booths.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.

Monday, November 10, 2008 8:55:00 AM  

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