Saturday, April 14, 2007

Independents Are The Largest Political Party in America!

So as to appease the press, or at least to throw them off our scent even before they begin the search for our party office, and our party officers, the nature of Independents in America is our Independence! We are hard to find, and even harder to define. I will not attempt to do so here, at least not for now! I might invite that in the future.

I will, however, venture out onto a short limb and state some observations and beliefs that caused me to declare my independence as a voter in America.

First, the appeal of any candidate to American Independents is inversely proportional to the money that PACs and Corporations give to their campaign to be elected. We Independents believe first and foremost in the People of America. Our work has allowed corporations to be built, and organizations to prosper. In the end, corporations and unions are barred at the door of the polling place, ... and a lone American Voter enters and casts their ballot.

Second, the sanctity and surity of the ballot is served only by a polling process that gives both the voter and the state written and reconcilable evidence of the vote cast. The ability of any political interest to affect or interfere with the clear and irrefutable counting of the polls must be disallowed by law, with the most severe consequences. Assurances of political independence in the counting of ballots should be a consititutional assurance in every state and federal election.

Third, and perhaps most important, We Independents would return to a time and a practice which might seem "quaint" to you in the political realm, but seems an improvement nonetheless. We'd like you to pick the best person available for the work to be done once you are elected by us to serve. We have seen a parade, ... a veritable cavalcade, of fools who came to Washington and to virtually every state capital, to grab onto the coattails of some candidate because they donated to some campaign, or their parents did, ... or they went to a school emotionally tied to a candidate, ... or, ... you name the tune and there is some fool who foots the bill! Don't you see? Of course you do, ... but you candidates choose to cater to the money at the end of the campaign bandwagon. If you did not catch the drift of our "Drift" toward Independence it is truly simple:

Independents are not owned by ANYONE!
Independents sacrifice a great deal to retain our INTEGRITY!
Independents always know we are the THIRD and Largest American Party!
Independents believe EVERYONE is Independent when they enter the Polling Booth!
Independents Believe in the ability of the American People to Chart Our Own Course!

38% of Americans consider themselves to be "Independent", based upon a poll released this morning on CNN. I have never felt so comfortable with my political affiliation as now!

