Cheney, Rumsfeld, ... The Bitters, to the Bitter End
Like most concerned citizens before an important election, I feel a bit nervous that the outcome of the election will change my life and the lives of those I love and care about. Fear would have me worry those changes will be for the worse, and the optimist in me calls upon me to hope that our society will benefit from our collective wills, expressed at the polls. We may know something about that direction come next Tuesday evening, barring calamities in the counting of our ballots.
These thoughts you are reading are directed not to those potentialities, but to the certainties we have been given this week by our President. Two of those, the assurances from the Principal Problem on Pennsylvania Avenue that his veep and his Secretary of the DOD will have his unwavering if not wholely deserved confidence until the inauguration of his replacement. Cheney and Rumsfeld, short of the Divine's intervention on our behalf, will be with us another two years.
Thank you Sir! We were gravely concerned that when you said we were not doing the "Stay the Course" thing, ... that you meant we might sack these hacks who, along with your lies and those of your other thugs, dragged us into Iraq, trashed our standing in International Affairs, plundered the Bill of Rights, and committed heinous war crimes in our name. I have so little time here to describe the full range of other crimes against the planet and its people you have found time to commit in your six years in office. There will be time after you leave the confines of the Oval Office to address all of those concerns.
What defies all logic to me is why you chose this week in the run-up to the mid-term elections, to slap a "Good Ole' Boy" seal of approval on the shoulders of these bobble-headed nincompoops! Do you honestly believe that the assurance to the troops or the electorate that you have confidence in these fools, after all they have done to put our nation and our troops at risk, will garner votes for the RRR? The Reichpublican Party, and you, both know that before you ever announced those accolades for these idiots, that the absentee ballots were long ago mailed by our courageous soldiers to their respective boards of election. Did you actually think those Americans who are still undecided about the sort of Congress that we need in the next two years will truly be drawn to vote Reichpublican because they know it is a package deal with you and the other stooges you brought to lead our nation's government. I, and every other parent or friend of a soldier in Iraq, put you on notice, Sir, that you are a fool to choose blind loyalty over wise leadership in the waning years of your "Reign of Error"!
Perhaps today, more than any time in the last six years, I see that there is hope that America will abandon its infatuation with the foul sort of folks that the Bush Reich has sicced upon our country. In my heart I have to believe that a military mother or father, or spouse, who, for reasons I can fully understand, might want to keep a cohesive policy to safeguard their most precious child or spouse. The Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld train to Hell in Iraq has, however, long since left the station. That Bush wants to take his underlings into purgatory with him for the next two years, is understandable. That anyone voting next Tuesday is persuaded to vote Republican because Cheney and Rumsfeld are to be retained, is a preposterous notion, ... Even Bush himself, in his most deluded moment, could not possibly believe that to be true.
That possibility is the most frightening of all. Does this man who pretends to lead actually believe these are the best we have in our nation, ... to perform these critical roles, at this crucial time? I suspect he does.
And that brings us to the ultimate question. What does our nation do with a man in the Presidency, who is deluded, possibly even brain-damaged, and unable to perform his duties, ... and sustains his minions simply to support himself, and his own self-delusions.
We must, first and foremost, depose the Congress that enables this alcoholic and delusional man who is Chief Executive. The voting record on the Military Commissions Act is a great starting point. Any member of Congress who approved the MCA has committed him or her self to suspending vital guarantees to personal liberties for Americans. They existed for us all even before the Constitution. That document assured their continuation, at least until the MCA. It will be years until the MCA is overturned by the Supreme Court.
So, ... much as I have concerns that will need to be dealt with in the Democratic Congress to come, I would recommend voting straight Democratic, ... or preferably selecting each Democratic candidate for Congress. Sorry, ... no exceptions. We'll sort out the victims after the election.
So, ... Today we begin again!