Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Buying Amerika for a Quarter, a Nickel, and Three Pennies

When I was a kid in Kansas, things were simpler. I went to school, played baseball almost every day, and swam in the summer. I searched for fossils, studied Darwin, and rode my bike everywhere I needed to go across that endless plain. In my travels on my Schwinn I bought an occasional coke from a machine for a nickel. Penny candy was, ... well, a penny. Mcdonald’s burgers were 15 cents a piece, but you ate them in the car, for McD’s had only the drive-in stores at that point.

Karl Rove is younger than I, ... Though I personally believe he looks far older. Yet he seems to hearken back to my childhood era in some ways. I hear he has opened his coffers, at least those of the Republican National Committee, to fund a Blitzkrieg of attack ads across America in an attempt to sway public opinion back in favor of the Radical Republican Right (RRR) who govern us in Washington.

Somewhere in America this week a baby was born that make the mathematics of Karl’s political strategy transparent for what it actually is, buying an election on the cheap. Karl reportedly will spend $ 100,000,000 to buy into the good graces of the 300,000,000 Americans alive today. Granted. the baby, and other young people under 18, and convicted felons in some states, and those disenfranchised by discriminatory election laws, minorities and immigrants, and those confused with illegal immigrants and felons, ... and the list goes on and on, ... Those folks can’t be counted for they can’t vote to maintain the status quo. But, for purposes of simplicity, ... And Karl appeals most to the simple-minded, he is willing to ante up only 33 Cents per American to buy the RRR continued control over our lives.

To be fair, Rove is not, to my knowledge "buying" the election in the old time sense. He might not even be paying execs at the voting machine companies to hack the results, ... much more difficult in this case than the fiascos in the 2000 and 2004 Presidential Elections. No, ... I’m guessing he’ll try to Swift Boat his way into our hearts with 33 cents worth of scary pictures and comments, ... Making the opposition to the RRR look like the enemy at the gate, ... Collaborators in the demise of our democracy.

In the end how far can 33 cents go? You can’t buy a pack of gum with that any more, for gosh sakes. But if you receive a call from someone who says they got your request for an absentee ballot, ... And you didn’t request one, maybe Karl called just to stir the pot! Or if you see an intimidating group of dark suits at your polling place, ... Maybe Karl gave them gas money to "monitor" the polls, and scare you away from even trying to vote.

I have no clue how Karl will spend his, ... I’m sorry, ... the "RRR’s", campaign funds. Hell, I thought he’d be appealing a sentence or two by now. No such luck, eh Mr. Special Prosecutor? But my guess is that Karl’s pudgy handprints will be all over my TV, my radio, and my newspaper in the next few weeks.

In the end it is my vote he’s after, or perhaps wants me not to exercise. And if he wants to spend 33 cents in a futile effort to try and cover up the RRR’s crimes and sins and sway me in their dirction, ... I say "Go for it Karl!". The way I see it, ... If he blows $ 100,000,000 that foolishly now, he won’t have that money for legal defenses after the election is behind us. And when I vote in November, ... That is where my heart is.

You see, America is not "Amerika" simply because Karl thinks he owns it. I have long since abandoned hope that Rove would be cuffed and hustled out the servants’ entrance at the White House for the CIA outing. I am willing to settle now for him taking a swift trip back to Texas, or almost anywhere else at the end of 2008.

It is typical of the RRR that they would pay bottom dollar for something as valuable as an American’s vote. What might have once gone for a dollar in the sixties, ... Is now worth only 33 cents! Only in "Amerika", right Karl?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Guana Beah Helluvanah Lexion

So, ... if you could not keep a sense of humor about the Party at the Helm, ... the Rabid Reichpublican Right, (RRR)... you'd have slit your wrists years ago, right? I've often subscribed to my younger brother's advice, ... "It is a good day when you awaken on the right side of the sod!"

But this morning it dawned on me that perhaps as my politics have recovered to a more progressive side, that I have taken myself, and the world of politics, way too seriously. So I confess that I made a point today, ... as nature wanes toward Winter, to take my political perspectives more "Spring-ward". I don't need to take life so seriously after all.

For example, ... Newt Gingrich stands today before an invited public and states that the release of information about Representative Foley, ... and its timing, seem to smack of political work afoot on the Democratic side. This less than a week since Karl Rove ("Bush's Brain"?) indicated he was working on an "October Surprise" to assist Republicans with the upcoming mid-term election results. Guffah, guffah! Wait, ... is Newt sending me a coded message?

Might Karl have taken a "double spin" approach? Let's say he wants to portray the Democrats as conniving, demented, Machiavelian, and sick in their manipulation of the media at a critical juncture just before an election, ... you know, like in 2000, 2002, and 2004 when the Republicans pulled that same sort of sick crap? You know, ... steamboat, swiftboat, tugboat, shitboat, or what have you?

So, ... stick with me here, I don't know that Karl had anything to do with the "Fall of Foley", ... but I do know it has sucked up a bunch of time on the MSM, and Hastert is blaming the deepest darkest parts of the Democratic Underground for the release of information, ... but still denying that they knew anything more than twenty minutes before the release of information on Friday last.

Meanwhile, at least thirteen of our soldiers have died in Iraq since Foley checked himself into rehab for an unrelated medical issue (Alcoholism) and claims it all was a result of his being molested as a child(?), although he refuses to name the church of the molesting cleric, nor the name of said cleric. So the good Congressman refuses still to protect other children, parishoners, or clerics who might be exposed to the sort of pedophile the Congressman then became himself.

Sorry, ... I seemed to have digressed in my efforts not to have taken too seriously the transgressions of the RRR.

Yep, ... this is the sort of stuff of which our times are made.

Sucks to be us, ... yes?
