Surgery Is A Beginning!
In these days before we know for certain whether Karl Rove will truly be indicted for any federal crime at all, we need to consider the social force of any indictment, and its potential outcome.
A patient I cared for some twenty years ago comes first to mind. She was admitted to the ER with classic symptoms of a stroke, ... slurred speech, and hemiparesis, ... paralysis of one side, characteristic of a large bleed in one side of the brain, ... or a sizeable blockage, ... usually a clot, in one of the major arteries providing blood to the brain. A CT Scan is the first way to determine if there is something awry in the brain, ... a blockage or a hemhorrage. The pictures are different, ... but the symptoms are often the same.
For this patient the news was even more grim. The CT scan revealed that the blockage of circulation was actually a tumor. She had an enlarging tumor the symptoms of which mimicked a stroke, perfectly.
For her family the question was what to do. They listened to the sage advice of the neurosurgeon, and had the tumor, ... which was not even the primary source of the cancer, surgically removed. She lived another 16 months, ... although the cancer eventually consumed her, and brought her early death at the age of 58 years old.
The cure to our American Malaise will begin soon. I am certain that Karl Rove is not the "primary" tumor of the Republican Party. That medical term indicates an original source of "cancer" that then spreads to other organs and other functions of the cancer victim. That cancer, has actiually been a part of the Republican body politic since around 1972, perhaps.
In Nixon's Swan Song election, there was, even among Republicans, a sense that the predicatable vectors of the political universe, the Toricellian twists of spirit that constitute the reckoning of the public awareness with the Political Purpose writ large, were turning against the Emperor Richard.
In short, America was ready to throw Nixon to the wolves. He had bought his way back into office by fractionating the American Parent from the American Student, ... and had lost. Boomers outnumbered Parents by perhaps 2.1:1. The Emperor's War Was Doomed!
Fast Forward America to 2006: The Children of the Revolution now own America. They are CEO's, CFO's, and Retired Directors of the Corporate Collective Wealth of America. I know a couple, ... met a few more. They do rightfully organize and direct the money their investors grant them for their stewardship. They do it well. A few of Emperor Richard's fledgelings remain, ... Cheney, Rumsfeld, ... Wolfowitz, ... God help us, they never found other gainful employment. They thought that they might someday have another opportunity to seize the powers of our government by way of the vice-presidential elective of the presidential candidate. I.E., ... Agnew was run with Nixon, ... and Cheney with Bush, so as to avoid the matter of the electorate.
Elect the attractive presidential cdandidate, ... who, under the aegis of his party's leaders, ... selectes the VP.
So, ... whither Rove? Oh, ... He will soon be dissected away from the governance by indictment. But the primary tumor(s) remain. They will until another day. For now, ... we apply the chemotherapy of public opinion and renouncement.
No one, ... NO ONE, Should believe that Rove was ever a cause of more than a night's indigestion. He was a jester of the court, ... a fool who thought himself a king. The True tumors reign to this day, ... some in both parties, who need to be excised to prevent a loss of the People's Freedoms forever.
We know their names. Throw out first the skulls and bones to clear the deck. The flesh is harder to find, ... but is as rotten as the skeltons already cast overside.
There is no reason not to begin anew! Are there left no sons of Jefferson, and Washington, of Douglas and Lincoln? I know better. They are everywhere in our land ready to serve!
I would cast my lot with any of them over the sons of Morgan and Stanley, Ford and Rockefeller! How far down the road to perdition have these latter led us?
Capitalism, ... Yours,... not ours!
When did you even give our capital a chance to compete.
No, ... Sirs.Our Nation begins again today!